1st Trimester

Announcing pregnancy to boss

Hello-I am in my first trimester (week 8) and was just curious to hear when each of you told your boss you were expecting?  I was thinking of telling my boss around week 10 and then everyone else on my team at 12 weeks. I think you have to give a certain notice period at work prior to expected due date, but I'm not quite sure when that is.

Re: Announcing pregnancy to boss

  • I told my boss at week 5 due to complications that led to me having to leave work early a few days for doctors appointments and it was easier to explain what was going on than to sneak around.  A lot of women wait until they're out of the first trimester.  It's really up to you and what you're comfortable with.  I haven't seen any where that says you must tell your boss by such and such date.  
  • I told REALLY early, like maybe 7 weeks, but he also know I did IVF.  I told my teammates around 9 weeks and everyone else at work after 13 weeks

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  • I told my boss at 5 weeks too since I had to take some time off  - some issues with doctors appointments and not feeling well. I am pretty close to my boss though, so I felt comfortable telling her that early. Also, I wanted to give my boss a heads up since we are already stretched thin and are looking for additional help in our department.
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  • I told work the day after I found out, which was at 4 weeks. I work with x-ray in surgery, so it was important for them to be aware to make appropriate work assignments. 
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  • I told my boss pretty early, maybe around 6 weeks, but only because I've had 2 losses, both of which I had to leave work early for...I felt like I needed to give him a heads up.
    BFP #1 11/27/11 EDD 08/08/12 M/C 01/27/12 12 wks 2 days
    BFP #2 04/25/12 EDD 01/04/13(?) confirmed ectopic 05/16/12 6 wks 5 days 2 doses of MTX-Lost left tube on 05/25/12 Back to TTC, earlier than originally expected.
    BFP #3 01/05/13 EDD 09/17/13 u/s 1/24/13-great appt, measuring 2 days ahead, NT scan 3/11/13-great scan measuring 4 days ahead, A/S 4/29/13-another great scan can't wait to meet my baby BOY!!!!!
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  • 14 weeks with my first.  No need to tell before the first trimester was over.  I can't imagine a business that makes you tell as a policy before that point. I'm starting to show earlier with this one, but my plan is to still wait until 14 weeks.  If I could get away with longer, I would.  
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  • RoeniRoeni member

    I believe I read at some point that our policy is to at least give 90 days notice prior to your expected leave date which makes sense so that they can have time to cover my work while I am out.

    14 weeks with my first.  No need to tell before the first trimester was over.  I can't imagine a business that makes you tell as a policy before that point. I'm starting to show earlier with this one, but my plan is to still wait until 14 weeks.  If I could get away with longer, I would.  
  • I am really dreading telling my boss. We are not close at all, in fact I don't really care for him much, and it's going to be so awkward. I keep waiting for him to ask why I've had to go to the doctor so much lately, or at least say something like, "Oh, I hope it's not serious," but he's so self-absorbed he never does.
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  • i told at 14 weeks last time.

  • I work in a small office with my boss and two other girls and we are all pretty close. I plan on telling my boss after my first appointment (I'll be around 8 weeks). I've told one of my co-workers because she knew we were trying. The other co-worker is also TTC and co-worker that knows said I might want to tell her at the same time as my boss. I'm more nervous to tell her because I don't want her to be jealous, but I have no idea how she'll react. I know I felt jealous when I heard people were pregnant when I was trying. Eeeek nervvvvvous!
    TTC #1 since 10/14/12 // 1/2013: 7DPO blood work revealed low progesterone/luteal phase defect // 2/2013: DH's SA - Normal // BFP 2/25/13 - EDD 10/30/13 Daisypath Anniversary tickers imageimageMy blog!
  • I told my boss at 9 weeks. He was excited for me. Asked (to make sure) if I'm planning on coming back... but more in a joking way so they don't need to worry about replacing me. He couldn't wait to tell his wife. 

    Side note - I was nervous before this, so I'm glad it went the way it did. I recently took a new position with my company and didn't know how they would take it.

    Good luck!  


  • I told my boss at 10 weeks and she told me she had a hunch lol!!! I think half of my coworkers already guessed but I asked my boss to keep it on DL until my NT scan this month (13 weeks) before announcing. She is co cute, already wants to plan my baby shower :)
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  • I told my female boss at 5 weeks, the day after I told the secretary and the counselor!  She had to sign off on requested sick day leaves for Dr. apps so I knew she suspected it! Everyone knows my husband and I are planning a family.  Also as a teacher in the educational field everyone loves children!!! I am not announcing it to the whole staff or to the main office for a few more weeks though!
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