April 2013 Moms

Working while pregnant

For the working pregos.. How long do you plan on working.. I have 6 weeks left. Hoping to make it 4 more weeks. It's hard on me I'm on my feet all day work in a hospital. So not sure if ill make it. A lot of pain in my pelvis area.. Lightening crotch as I've seen it on here!! Lol

Re: Working while pregnant

  • i am trying to work as long as possible..I hate it though but i want as much time at home with baby and i only have 6 weeks..I am also on my feet at the pharmacy all day so by the end of the day my feet are BURNING and screaming for some time up..i really hope these last weeks go fast lol
  • My EDD is april 20th, if she doesnt come early I'm working until the 18th. If she comes early I guess I work until then. I work as a bank teller and have a seat but my back pain is so extreme it's almost more comfortable to stand.
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  • I finally caved and realized I wasn't going to be able to work until my due date. I'm due April 9 and told them my last day would be March 30. I'm a restaurant manager and sometimes have 16 hour days. I can barely do it now; I'm not sure how I'm going to be in a few weeks! My ankles HURT today because they were so swollen! 
    -Jackie "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans" - John Lennon
  • I work prn at two hospitals in mental health crisis. Im due April 10th. The schedules are out through end of March. I am scheduled alone for 12 hrs on Easter, lol we will see. I told them to have a backup plan!!!
    2nd EDD 02/01/13 - MC 5 1/2 weeks 6/5/12. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • My EDD is 4/4, but due to being Hypothyroid I am likely looking at a 39 week induction.  If that does turn out to be the case, my goal is to work until the 22nd or maybe even into the following week if I'm feeling up for it.  I'll just have to see as it gets a little closer. 

    New Mommy since 4/3/13



  • Same here with it being difficult, I'm a CNA and I've been super sore the past week in my groin and its just been really hard to keep up in general, my body is not moving like it used to! I have about 4.5 weeks until baby is due and I was trying to make it up until then but with such a physical job my body isn't going to let me. My new plan is to have my last day on Thursday the 21st of march when I'll be 38 weeks.
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    We can't wait to meet our Blake Katherine!!
  • So we can all relate! I'm due 4/20 but After being at work within 4 hours I'm done bc of the pain.. Glad I'm not the only one.. At times I feel like a whimp!!
  • I was planning on working up till 3 weeks prior to my due date. It was struggle and I was put on medical leave 6.5 weeks before my due date.
  • They are planning to induce me at 39 weeks due to various issues. If I make it til then, I plan to maybe take a week off before my induction just so I can rest and finish up some things. If I go early, I will just work up to that point.
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  • I am planning to work until 35 weeks, but I don't know if I will make it. I have developed carpal tunnel in my wrists and hands and I can barely hold a pen. My ankle swelling spread up my legs to my knees today and I went home at 3:30. I think I am going to have to move to half days or work from home. 
    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'll be 36 weeks on Wednesday and at this point I'm not planning on taking any time before little man gets here. I run my store so when I do the schedules I've scheduled oncall shifts for my other management starting next week. It is absolutely getting hard being on my feet for anywhere from 8 to 13 hours a day... but I don't want to waste any of my maternity leave when I don't have my baby yet.
    BabyFruit TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • I plan on working up until the last possible minute.  My boss keeps joking that if I have the baby at work they will rename the building after her, or if it is in one of our trucks I can have it. He also said he has been practicing delivering goats so he knows what to do if she wants to come at work.  

    Side note   I work in a male dominate profession, the only other woman here is her secretary.  

    My boss has also reduced the amount of time I spend in the field, so now I spend much of my day on TB with my feet up on my desk.  

  • I don't know how so many of you can be on your feet all day.  The one time in my life I am extremely thankful for my desk job!  I am planning on staying in the office until 39 weeks, then teleworking between full and part time for the last week+ (doctors keep telling me they think she will be late based on size). 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Four more weeks, if baby doesn't come first.
  • I have a desk job, the same as when I was pregnant with my DSs, and I'll work until I deliver. 
    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • I'm a hairstylist, and only taking 6 weeks off as well....  Everything has been good up to this point, so my plan is to go until 39 weeks "fingers crossed"

    I'm not due until April 27, so to help, for the few weeks I'll be working in April, I'm just going to be doing 1/2 days to help with whatever exhaustion and swelling, etc.... I may be dealing with by that point.

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I plan to work until I go into labor. I have a mostly desk job, so it shouldn't be a problem. Although my back starts to really hurt after sitting in a chair for several hours, so we'll see.




  • I'm 32 weeks today and plan to work 8 more weeks, if LO is cooperative and my health will allow it.  If necessary, I will work from home or shorten my days at the very end (I'm lucky that my job is pretty independent and will allow for this as necessary).

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
  • I am 36 weeks today and this will be my last week at work.  My job requires me to be up on my feet alot and it is just getting to be too much for me....especially with the lightning crotch I have been experiencing and also the swelling in my feet and legs!!!  I am not returning to work after LO arrives so saving leave for after LO arrives wasn't a factor for me.  So thankful that SO is supportive and allowing me to do this!!
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  • My last day at work will be next week Friday March 15th and I have an EDD of April 1st. I can't wait to begin leave! I commute over an hour one way to work and driving is becoming really uncomfortable. I might actually work from home all next week.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2: 11-7-14, CP (BFN: 11-13-14)

    BFP #3: 3/24/15 EDD: 12/5/15



  • I was planning on working right up until I deliver, since I am not getting maternity leave pay. But DH's new job thankfully provides enough that I don't think I'm going to need to worry about money as much as I thought (I tend to OVER worry anyway)... So I might say the 5th is my last day, since I'm due the 9th. That way even if he doesn't come right on time, I will have a few days home to relax, clean, and spend with DD. I still don't think I'm coming back to this craphole afterwards, so I might end up just not working in April at all. <insert evil laugh here> I'm happy.
    CafeMom TickersCafeMom Tickers

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  • imageMrs.Leah.Maria:
    I have a desk job, the same as when I was pregnant with my DSs, and I'll work until I deliver. 


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  • In NJ it doesn't matter if you work right up until your due date - you don't get that time added to the end. It's 4 weeks before and six weeks after and that's it, no matter what. So I definitely have to work three more weeks before I can stop - but I am hoping to go 5-6 more if I can. I have a desk job and while that is better than being on my feet all day, sitting here kills by back and my feet keep falling asleep. 
    Daughter E 08/31/2005
    Little Sister on the Way 04/23/2013
  • Working until I go into labor... have BHs like a million times a day now. Just try to keep myself hydrated and well rested!
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               Warner, our early surprise, born March 12, 2013!
            Watching You Grow Everyday, Right Before Our Eyes!
  • imagestcr2010:
    So we can all relate! I'm due 4/20 but After being at work within 4 hours I'm done bc of the pain.. Glad I'm not the only one.. At times I feel like a whimp!!

    You are DEF not a wimp! My boss a couple weeks ago (after i worked 6 hours in pharmacy putting up totes) I asked her if she could help me lift one of the heaviest totes i saved till last..she huffed and puffed and said my god..you are pregnant you're not dead! With all my might i calmly walked away and said ok, then you do it..it has been downright exhausting to be at work thru pregnancy (including 3 months of morning sickness) I def cant wait till maternity leave!

  • I want as much time as possible with baby so I'm working until I go into labor. I get to sit the whole time but I work 12 hour midnight shifts as a 911 dispatcher. Between the hours and the stress sometimes I feel like I can't do it anymore. I've only called off from work 3 times this pregnancy and I'm not due until April 1st so I've got to hold on until then!!

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