1st Trimester


My hips are killing me Sad Presumably they are growing, or something along those lines like all of my other body parts appear to be doing!? I'm a student and have been sitting at my computer all day working on a paper (I hate school right now) and I think maybe that's contributing to the pain, but if i get up and walk around my lower back hurts! Sympathy anyone?


Is anyone also struggling through school? I'm having a really hard time right now, I'm in the clinical setting 40 hours a week, I document clinical hours for approx. 5 hours a week, try to work out, try not to starve while and work, and try to eat healthy when i get home, and have projects hanging over my head as I am a doctorate student and hoping to complete my final project (practice inquiry) this year and graduate in December! I obviously did not think that this semester of school would be QUITE this trying (someone lied to me and told me last semester was the hardest.. it was more scholarly.. but this semester is a TIME SUCK). Anyway, anyone else managing the challenges of school and full time work hours? How do you cope? You probably don't procrastinate on thebump.com like I do.. lol 

Re: Hips ACHE

  • serious question: how are you planning on graduating on time if you are due in I assume Oct/ Nov?

  • Due Sept 22nd, and yes I am still on track to graduate. Don't ask me how - I have NO IDEA how this baby will affect my ability to defend my PI, but I'm damn well going to try. I've been on track to Graduate for 3.5 years, I'm not giving up now until I absolutely have to.

    Most of my graduation requirements will be completed in May, then I will sit a National certification examination over the summer. At that point I could leave the degree, with my masters and practice. However, I don't want to be ABD (all but dissertation) so considering that I will have already defended my proposal (summer) and be moving forward with the project, I will be able to be home all day as I am choosing not to practice/work until after Graduation. And am hopeful that with the help of my loving family Smile I will still find time during the day to follow the project through to completion even after baby is born.

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  • I'm a student as well. GL!

    Me: 29 / Hubster: 31
    Married July 2010
    DC #1 Oct 2013
    DC #2 EDD June 2016

    Pregnancy Ticker

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  • GL to you too! : seriously about this hip pain though? Anyone else?
  • I'm actually a few days away from finding out if my pregnancy is viable or not, but my hips have started aching like crazy too.

    It's like a constant soreness, to the point where it's pretty uncomfortable to sleep on my sides. I also get really achey/shooting pains in my lower back/butt if I sit in one position for too long. I literally feel your pain! ;
  • Yes, my hips are SO SORE.  I think it's the effects of relaxin, but whatever it is, i didn't expect it till about 5 months from now.  Ouch.

    I took a hotter than recommended, but shallow bath (so half of me was cold and my temp didn't rise) last night and that helped.  I've also been stretching, and it helps in the moment; not sure if it's helping over all.  I'm planning to start a prenatal yoga class soonish, and that will hopefully help, too.

    I was walking around all weekend (playing tourist in Seattle with an out-of-town guest and at the zoo all day yesterday), which i thought is what made it so bad.  Sounds like sitting or moving too much makes it worse.

    Boy 10.6.13
    Labored at freestanding birth center using hypnobirthing techniques
    Delivered via csection
  • I am 5"10 very fit, at least I was until I got pregnant. I am 13 weeks pregnant and my hips are killing me too, even though I always had wide enough hips. I gained 3 lbs so far.
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