1st Trimester


my dr prescribed this over the phone for my nausea. i was expecting zofran (i guess because thats what everyone here talks about)

is anyone else taking promethazine? im worried about how drowsy it will make me. i have a toddler and cannot stand to be any tired than i already am! so if you take it, what is your experience with side effects? thanks! 

Re: promethazine

  • I have scripts filled for both Zofran and phenergan. I had a round of phenergan via iv after a bunch of stuff landed me in the ER, which TOTALLY knocked me out. Dr said the pill version didn't have nearly the same drowsy affect, but I felt pretty wiped out after taking a pill. I also have a toddler and switched back to Zofran after taking it once in pill form. Again, it wasn't as bad as it was when I had it iv, but it gave me the same grogginess as I get after taking benadryl, which isn't conducive to chasing around a toddler.
  • I had phenergan first with our son because most insurances make you try it first. It made me pretty sleepy, which is why I took it to sleep every night of the preg. I got zofrAn after trying phenergan for a few days. They're both good to have on hand.
    **Freddy** BabyFetus Ticker image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image
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  • I used to take this for nothing to do with pregnancy and I never got tired from it and it normally stopped the vomiting and spinning pretty quickly, Half the time right after I took it I would up chuck again and then be fine. 
    Nichole Tampa, FL
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