1st Trimester

Spotting, cramping and low progesterone.

Cant stop crying. I had light spotting yestersay and its more today.. Also feel cramping not too terrible but def uncomfortable. My prog levels very low so i started suppositories today. Im only 6 weeks. Doctors office is closed until monday but if its happening i understand nothing can be done. Is there any hope left. What to do? What does a miscarriage feel like? I cant stop crying.

Re: Spotting, cramping and low progesterone.

  • When I had mine at 5 weeks 1 day it was light spotting and cramping but not too uncomfortable.  I went to the ER and actually I wish I had just stayed home and waited to see my doctor.  I would take it easy and see but if you are worried you can always go there and they will take your hcg etc and mine did an ultrasound and vaginal one.  They treated me awful however and I was there for 5 hours waiting and did not know it was a misscarriage until I told them I was checking myself out and they told me I needed the Rhogam shot that was taking another hour to make.  I still walked out and went to my doctor which treated me way way more compassionately.


    also spotting can be normal...so you just never know, def contact your doctor Monday if you don't go I the ER before. 

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    May Siggy: Baby in disguise

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  • Ok honey calm down. Stressing is not good on you or your baby. If the cramping isn't bad you may just be spotting from other stuff. Keep a positive head and try not to worry your self to much. I wish I could give you a hug. If it gets worse got to the ER. Even though If I was you I would wait to go to Dr
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  • Blood doesn't always mean
    A miscarriage. But if it is a miscarriage unless you are soakin through a pad in an hour they might advise you to stay home and let nature take its course. And if it is a miscarriage like I told myself when I had one, there was something wrong with the baby and it was a blessing that it happened. This early a miscarriage will feel like a period it happens to lots of women who probably never knew they were pregnant. And it doesn't mean that the next pregnancy won't be just fine. I have 2 1/2 precious children and had a miscarriage between 1 and 2. It was hard but I got pregnant within the next 4 months and have a little girl who I wouldn't trade the world for. Whatever this is, you will get through it!!
  • Thank you so much. Hoping for the best.
  • Thanks!! Ill try to wait till monday if it wont worse. If it is a miscarriage, how painful is it??
  • imagearies21:
    Thanks!! Ill try to wait till monday if it wont worse. If it is a miscarriage, how painful is it??[/quote

    At 6 weeks will not feel much different than a period. Don't worry. I don't think I even took painkillers
  • imagearies21:
    Thanks!! Ill try to wait till monday if it wont worse. If it is a miscarriage, how painful is it??

    When I was going through mine I had severe cramps ... Followed by lower back pain. As the ladies said before the bleeding would need to be very heavy ... Try to stay calm and see your Dr. .. Stress is not good for you . Good luck .
    < image
  • imagearies21:
    Thanks!! Ill try to wait till monday if it wont worse. If it is a miscarriage, how painful is it??

    When I was going through mine I had severe cramps ... Followed by lower back pain. As the ladies said before the bleeding would need to be very heavy ... Try to stay calm and see your Dr. .. Stress is not good for you . Good luck .
    < image
  • Thank you all again..... I have slight back pain too : but spotting is on and off...
  • Try not to stress! The spotting could be from the suppositories too! You could have irritated your cervix putting it in.

    Hoping Monday gets here fast for you!
    TTC #1 since Oct 2009, Dx: Unexplained Infertility
    HSG: Right tube all clear, left tube inconclusive
    3 failed Clomid Cylces
    4/5 lap revealed blocked left tube, but right tube is open
    April/May- 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI #1= CANCELLED left ovary ovulating
    June 1- 100 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI #1 = BFN
    June 28- 100 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI #2 =BFP!
    7/12 Beta #1= 14 Beta #2= >5 Chemical Pregnancy :(
    July-Nov long break to recover emotionally and financially
    Nov 24- 100 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI #3= BFN
    Jan 22- Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI# 4 = CANCELLED no response on right
    IVF #1- Start stims 4/7, ER 4/20, 21R, 14F, 6 frosties, ET 4/25, 2 embryos transferred= BFN :(
    FET #1- June 2012, Lurpon starts 5/27- CANCELLED
    FET #1 take 2- August 2012, delayed until Sept-CANCELLED
    FET #1 take 3- ET 10/11, 2 embryos transferred,= BFFN
    FET #2- Transfer 12/4--Cancelled, no embies survived thaw :(
    Next steps-- IVF #2 with new RE in March
    HOLY SURPRISE BFP 2/15/13!!!! Beta 1- 286, Beta 2- 782, First Ultrasound 2/25- baby in uterus & all looks good!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Thank u!!!!
  • I am also 6 weeks and have a progesterone level of 5.5. Have you had a blood test to check your hog yet? Mine is going up but slowly, not doubling like it should. Dr has told me I will most likely miscarry. I have had some spotting then it went away for 2 days. Now seeing a little spotting last night. I know it's hard because I am going through the same thing. I agree that if its not meant to be its for the best and you WILL get pregnant again. This is my third and my first two are completely healthy with no complications. It's horrible to wait and see and I am crying too. We will make it through!
  • I hope so!!! Praying for you too. Hope we make it out but agree if not meant to be then not meant to be. My levels were very low :
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