Hello everyone. I'm brand new here, and cautiously joining in with you, but have lurked quite a bit on TTC I laugh out loud at some of the snark over there; some of those girls are super funny and 1st tri. May end up on PGAL.
Just a bit of info about us, should anyone care to read: Both DH and I are 33 and have been married for 10 years. We have travelled the world mostly Asia and Central America teaching English, we live in an apartment in the city, we run to the Eastern shore of MD every chance we get to see my Mom at her beach house, and, well, just have not wanted a family really never seemed to be the "right" time.
We decided to just "oops" once in a while, and after just ONCE, I found out I was pregnant a couple weeks ago... My first appointment is this week I'm pretty sure I'm going on 8 weeks, but neither of us can remember WHEN that "oops" happened or when I had my period last ::shrugs shoulders::
I'm thinking most of DH's family may think that maybe we were having IF issues because we waited so long, but we both wanted to travel, get our Masters' he's a teacher; I'm a school counselor, and just enjoyed every last drop of life... After 10 years, I'm pretty sure that is what they think. But, now I'm pregnant!!!
I'm just wondering 2 things: has anyone else feared miscarriage we had one at 5 weeks in December 2011; again, after ONE "oops", and WHEN and HOW did you tell family?
His family, especially FIL, wants a baby so much, as DH's only sister has been on an adoption list for 4 years and cannot conceive. I don't want to hurt my SIL, but still wanted to tell family at Easter at 12 weeks. We can't wait to share our happy news, should everything be going well!
Thanks for reading what turned out to be my fist novel, and please share thoughts about how to tell, especially without hurting someone that is having trouble TTC...
I look forward to getting to know you should baby "stick" and should you have me!!!...
ETA: parentheses don't work on mobile? What the fluck?
Re: To tell... Or not to tell.
My questions: any cute ways of sharing the news? Also, anyone else have someone close in the family that is having trouble TTC? How did you handle it when sharing? I love my SIL, but when MH's cousin was pregnant, she avoided all family gatherings for over a year : they're Italian, and family is a huge part of MH's life. Just wanted some input...
Firstly - yes I am scared of miscarriage. I am 5 weeks along now and lost the last pregnancy at 7weeks back in november. i just try not to think about it too much, stay positive and think happy thoughts.
I am getting T shirts made for DH's parents that say "Great parents get promoted to Grand Parents" as my cutesy way of breaking the news...
As for your SIL, its going to be hard for her, but she will deal with it. Right after my miscarriage I found out that my SIL was pregnant and it was a bittersweet moment. i was happy for her but very sad for me. Break the news to her gently, be supportive if she wants to talk about her process but beyond that I dont think there is anything else you can do
My cousin had a lot of trouble TTC and my brother and his HF got pregnant with an oops baby... my brother just made sure to tell my cousin privately before the big announcement. She was gracious and happy for him.
I too lost a baby in Dec 2012 and we're trying to wait until Easter to tell the families. We will be almost 11 weeks 5 days. For the last baby, we bought both of our dogs shirts that say "I'm a big sister". We planned to put them on the dogs and let them run into the house to make the announcement. We also got a t-shirt for me that says "tax deduction" on the belly - that one is for telling my dad... he will find it hilarious! WE plan to use these items for this babe provided all goes well.
Good luck to you and your nugget! Congrats!