1st Trimester

Very low progesterone and slowly rising betas

Good morning. I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and this is my third pregnancy. Last week I went to the doctor because I was spotting and had cramping. Found out I have a sub hematoma, which could be the cause of the spotting. Also my blood work showed a progesterone level of only 5.5! I have had my bets checked and the first one was 2100 and two days later 2800. I go back on Monday for another sonogram and find out results from my betas on Friday. I did have a sonogram at five weeks and we could see the sac. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if it turned out good or bad. Also I am on progesterone supplements.

Re: Very low progesterone and slowly rising betas

  • To be honest the fact that your betas did not double is discouraging and combined with your low progesterone it doesn't look good. I gave heard of low rising betas ending with a good outcome. I'm sorry.... Good luck.
  • I have low betas too. I am on progesterone supplements too, I have been since 3dpo. I am waiting to hear about todays beta still. I we can wait this one out together. My first at 14dpo was 42.5 and my second at 16 was 58, waiting for todays at 18dpo and praying everything is alright. I have been reading stories of low betas going both ways. Good Luck!! Please KUP. Good luck! I hope we both get some great news soon :)
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  • My doctors wife had slow rising betas and went on to have a healthy girl. I pray you will have a happy outcome. I was a bit optimistic yesterday and today until I saw some pink blood. I just do not think this pregnancy is going to be viable. This pregnancy was a shock at first then I started getting excited. Now I am just left feeling hurt and confused. I really wish you all the best and keep me posted
  • Dr called yesterday and said hog is now at 3100. Still going up but not doubling. No cramping bit very light spotting yesterday. Nothing today. This is such a roller coaster, just wishing if I do miscarry it goes quick.
  • Hey everyone. I know it's not exactly related to post but... My doctor's office gave me a bunch of samples for endometrin (progesterone supp) and then told me to take it for one week more. I stopped it already. Does anyone want the medication?

    PM me and I'll send you my email.

    Me 33. DH 32. TTC Since 6/2011. 12/2012-m/c, CP. DH: MFI. CCT/HSG/day 3 blood work-all nl. IVF#1 ER- 8/7/12, ET- 8/10. beta 8/25 neg, I did not respond as expected. AMH: 0.88. IVF#2 BCP-10/19. Micro flare Lupron-Nov: It's a bust. IVF#3 Planned for Feb '13 with a long lupron protocol ON OUR OWN!!! BFP- 1/12/13. Yay! EDD 9/18, now EDD 9/25
  • imageAggiemomof2:
    Dr called yesterday and said hog is now at 3100. Still going up but not doubling. No cramping bit very light spotting yesterday. Nothing today. This is such a roller coaster, just wishing if I do miscarry it goes quick.


    GL! We've seen posts where the betas run low in the beginning and everything goes well. 

    Me 33. DH 32. TTC Since 6/2011. 12/2012-m/c, CP. DH: MFI. CCT/HSG/day 3 blood work-all nl. IVF#1 ER- 8/7/12, ET- 8/10. beta 8/25 neg, I did not respond as expected. AMH: 0.88. IVF#2 BCP-10/19. Micro flare Lupron-Nov: It's a bust. IVF#3 Planned for Feb '13 with a long lupron protocol ON OUR OWN!!! BFP- 1/12/13. Yay! EDD 9/18, now EDD 9/25
  • Trying to be optimistic and realistic at the same time, lol. Sonogram this morning will show a lot. I should be able to see an embreyo and heartbeat.
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