Hello ladies.
a brief intro, this js my ttc #1 and today is my first bfp.
I just started Pilate 2-3 weeks ago. Is it safe to continue? I had some yoga lessons years ago and they had a warning for pregnancy women, I'm wondering if Pilate is same as yoga. Sorry if I'm asking a dump questing, I want expecting to be KU for a while so I haven't lurked here at all but my class is on sat so I appreciate your feedback.
thank you
Re: is yoga safe?
So are you asking if yoga is safe or if pilates is safe? Anyway I think they are both ok.
Shiva Rea has a great prenatal yoga dvd.
I don't know a lot about pilates...but Yoga is great during pregnancy.
When your belly gets bigger, you'll have to modify some of the moves and you won't want to lay on your back for very long. Otherwise, it is a great way to stretch your muscles and open your pelvis. I did yoga weekly through my 2nd and 3rd trimesters of my first pregnancy and can't say enough about the good it did for me mentally and physically.
(Of course, as long as your doctors give you the ok)
Thanks ladies. I am asking about Pilates for now. It has quiet of bit of lower ab engaging moves. It sounds like it should be ok to continue in either case.
thank you
If you do not practice yoga regularly, ask your doctor. They often say it is fine and beneficial to continue what you did before pregnancy, but caution against starting anything new now. Yoga is wonderful-- there are some poses to avoid later in pregnancy, but a quick Google search will show you positions (such as cobra).
Pilates is more core- which you want to avoid so you don't tear your middle ab muscles.
I've been researching this quite a bit as well as I've been a yogi for the past 6 years but a first time pregnant lady... and I've been getting a lot of different opinions.
During the first trimester it seems pretty okay to keep up any activity you've already been doing regularly but not to try to advance your practice in any way or dive into anything new. I think as long as you stay hydrated and remain mindful of how you are feeling each day while taking it somewhat easy, you should be okay. Talking to your doctor is always a good idea when it comes to exercise.
My yoga instructor said I need to be careful not to do too much core work, as others have said, and not to do a lot of twists or inversions once I get into the second and third trimesters. Hope this helps!