At what week?
I miscarried my last pregnancy and never got to see the babies heartbeats. I could "google" it I'm sure just thought I'd ask you mommies.
I have a sono next Thursday and ill be 5 weeks and 2 days and I think that's too early.
Pregnancy discovered at 12 weeks 12/2007 - D&C at 13 Weeks due to partial Ectopic pregnancy/Body rejecting pregnancy.
Last Pregnancy - EDD August 2013
TTC Our first miracle baby.
Re: Heartbeat?
With me having 2 miscarriages they're keeping a close eyes on my hcg levels and I assume ill have transvaginal u.s every week. So if you saw it at 5 weeks with the internal sonogram.. I might be okay next week at 5 weeks and 2 days.
Thanks heather. Did you have an internal or external sono at 5 weeks 3 days?
At first they tried the external because they were thinking I was 8 weeks because of my period being so screwy but when they did the external they could not see much and then decided to do the internal. When I went back for the second one they did an internal as well.
I would go in expecting not to see anything. That way if you do then it's a great surprise. And if not you are prepared mentally and emotionally.
just ask them to keep taking my blood work to make sure everything is going okay.
Thanks for your help mommies.
Well I can have as many as I need or request. With me having 2 previous miscarriages they're watching me closely so I want this one next week to see the sac make sure everything's okay. Then ill schedule one for 8 weeks to see the heartbeat.
From what I read it's most common for the heart to start up around 5.5-6.5 weeks, though starting closer 7 weeks is not uncommon either....though since that is based on LMP it's possible that ovulation and implantation didn't happen "on schedule". With the IUI you at least know for sure when you ovulated/conceived. Takes some of the guessing out.
Good luck, but you should expect to hear it at the following sonogram and probably not the 5w2d one.