How much more quickly did you start showing with 2 and 3? This is my third and I feel like I was showing pretty well by 12. But my doc said things are really going to start moving this time... Does she mean even faster? I would really love to wait until 14 weeks and my 2nd doc appt. before I tell my students but I am already really self conscious about my belly already!
Re: 2nd and 3rd time mamas
I'm a big girl already, pregnant with number 3 and am only 7 weeks. I am not showing yet. Not bloating either, that I can tell. Your body has memory, though, and I think I'll (you'll) start showing earlier than before.
What age are your students? If they are elementary, they might not notice anyway. Just wear long shirts and use the rubberband trick.
Good luck!
I'm 10 weeks along with my 2nd and I feel like I'm already showing. I'm also way more hungry this time around.
Some friends/co-workers have commented that I'm already showing but I think it's mostly just a food baby. :-)
This second baby shiz is no joke. I am wearing maternity pants at 6 weeks. However, the scale says I haven't gained a pound but I am definitely sporting a belly like I was at about 18 weeks with DS. It's just bloat, but it is more comfortable in maternity jeans.
ETA: I also don't have anyone to hide it from. I SAH and am in yoga pants 98% of the time.
Thanks!! Unfortunately I am a dance teacher in a public high school so not only am I with kids who notice everything, I was wearing tight dance tops. Now I'm in baggy tshirts and hoping they didn't notice the baby weight I just recently lost!!!
I actually just went to the Dr today and we talked about this. She said with each subsequent pregnancy you look like your 1.5--2 months farther along than you are. So far that's seems right on track for me! I'm only 5 weeks and feel more like I'm 10 weeks.
There's a blog I read where the mom just had her 3rd and she posted weekly pics. She was very round very quick with her 3rd.
BLOG: The Quinntessential Mommy
Last time around I made it to 19 weeks without wearing maternity clothes. That won't be the case this time around! I am already eyeing up some comfy maternity pants! I really think it is true that you pop out so much quicker the 2nd (and subsequent times).