1st Trimester

Am back with Pregnancy #3

I think I'm more nervous this time around.  I'm only 6 weeks and anxious for my next ultrasound to see the baby's heartbeat.  The reason why I'm nervous was that I had an ectopic pregnancy last September, where it had erupted and my left fallopian tube was removed.  Before our 2nd child I had 2 miscarriages in 2011.  This time around this was our first attempt with my 1 fallopian tube, so I am worried and make sure I make note of everything that is happening to my body.  I'm am more bloated and gassy this time and get so full so quickly.  Fried food definitely doesn't agree with me.
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: Am back with Pregnancy #3

  • Congrats on number 3! I hope you have a very H&H 9 months!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Congrats and good luck. I'm very much bloated with this pregnancy then I was with my first two miscarriages...
    Pregnancy discovered at 12 weeks 12/2007 - D&C at 13 Weeks due to partial Ectopic pregnancy/Body rejecting pregnancy. Last Pregnancy - EDD August 2013 TTC Our first miracle baby.
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