I did and loved it! I was always able to find the heartbeat after 12 weeks, sometimes it took awhile. My doc was ok with it and said there was no harm in using it everyday.
If I got one I would just stress myself out if I couldn't find a heartbeat. A few weeks after you can pick up the heartbeat you can feel the movements so I'd rather just go by that. (Even then I freak myself out. Last time I would jiggle my belly to try to wake my daughter up if I couldn't feel her... Maybe that is why she is such a bad sleeper now.. haha)
Re: Anyone Get a Fetal Doppler?
#2 due 12.23.17
BFP #1- 9/16/2012 MMC- 10/24/2012 (8.5 weeks, baby measured 6 weeks 1 day with no heartbeat) D&C-10/30/2012 BFP #2- 12/23/2012 Due 9/5/2013 Please be our rainbow baby!