1st Trimester


this morning when i wiped after going to the bathroom and it showed a light color in the toilet paper. i called the nurse she said not to worry unless it was heavy and dark. i went to the bathroom at work and when i went to wipe it was like i just got my period so i went to the er they did an exam which showed my cervix was closed so there was no possible way i was miscarrying. they did an ultrasound which showed nothing at all. also my hcg numbers from my blood work were too low to determine a pregnancy at all. 


heres the confusing thing. i have no heavily cramping like the nurse said i would have if i had a miscarriage and i got 2 positive pregnancy tests the day i should have gotten my period and the day after as well. 


has anyone ever had something like this before? 

Re: confused

  • How far along are you supposed to be?

    2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!, DS is now 3.5yrs!
    TTC #2 - 6/12 surgery #3, FET #1 & 1.2 = BFN, 12/2012 FET #2 = BFP! DD is 1.5 yrs!
    Surprise! 12/16/14 BFP, loss #2 12/31/14

    I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929

  • according to the due date calculator 4 - 5 weeks but my dr said only about 2-3 since im just in mid cycle. i should have gotten my period 2/21. my lmp was 1/21
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  • I'm sorry you are going through this. Unfortunately, you do not need cramping to be miscarrying. In the very early stages of pregnancy, your body can actually reabsorb the pregnancy if it's not viable, so you don't necessarily have to cramp. This happened to me - heavy bleeding with no cramps. Also, if your hcg is too low to say you are pregnant, that's probably not a good thing. Sorry to be such a downer here but I'm only speaking from my experience.

    TTC since April 2010
    BFP #1 – March 2011, missed m/c April 2011
    BFP #2 – October 2011, m/c November 2011
    Surprise BFP #3 – December 2011, diagnosed as cornual, terminated January 2012
    BFP #4 – June 2012, m/c July 2012
    Diagnosed with bicornuate ute and MTHR gene mutation
    BFP #5 – October 2012, missed m/c November 2012
    BFP #6 – January 2013, m/c March 2013
    No longer TTC. Diagnosis: Hostile ute. Heartbroken and bitter. Pursuing surrogacy.
    June 2013 - Carrier found! Could this really happen?!
    ~All AL always welcome~

  • no, no its perfectly okay. im just very confused as to what is going on with the home pregnancy tests and now hcg levels too low
  • Sounds like maybe a chemical pregnancy?  Sorry for what you're going through :(
    Pregnancy Ticker
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