My 16 year old sister called me bawling her eyes out this morning. She and her boyfriend broke up just after Christmas, and she had a rebound one-night stand with a friend around the second week in January. She says they didn't use a condom, but he pulled out. She got her period on the 20th, and it was normal (her periods are usually very irregular). She got back together with her boyfriend a couple days after her period started. This morning she learned that she's pregnant and she's FREAKING out wondering if this baby could be the other guy's and not her boyfriend's. I want to reassure her that this is absolutely impossible, but I'm not 100% sure myself and I don't want to tell her anything unless I'm positive. Could that happen?
Re: Advice??
If she had unprotected sex with him, he could be the father. The bleeding she experienced could have been implantation bleeding.
Pre-*** has sperm in it. Men can't feel it or control when it comes out the way they can feel when they are going to ejaculate.
She started bleeding a month ago and got back with the boyfriend around the same time...I'm not even sure she'd be able to get a positive pregnancy test this early if the boyfriend was the father...
Either way, she should be honest about sleeping with the other guy. Better the boyfriend find out from her than to find out on his own.
ETA: Tell her to get the pregnancy confirmed with a blood test. They'll be able to tell her how far along she is based on the hormone levels in her blood and she can count backwards. Or she can wait for her first ultrasound.
I think it depends how far along she is. I had my last period on January 20th, Oed on the 8th of February and just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant. So it could very possibly be her boyfriend's baby.
But if she is further along than 5 weeks or so, then I assume she got pregnant in Dec/Jan and the bleeding she had may have been implantation bleeding.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
I had my period or what I thought was my period for 3 months before I found out I was pregnant with my first born.
It is definitely possible that it is the one night stand's baby. Wish I could say something different.
Wouldn't she be further along if it was the one night stand's though?
5 weeks puts her back to Jan 24th... it's possible it could be the one night stands.... I'm not 100% on how the date figuring works.... with me and DH my due date/weeks PG puts me right in the middle of my last AF for when I actually became PG. DNA test is honestly going to be the only way to know.
She won't need a DNA test. As soon as that baby's born everyone will know if it's not her boyfriend's. Poor kid is beside herself.