1st Trimester

Candy for nausea?

I heard some candies help alot with nausea, can some of you ladies recommend any types or brands of candies that work the best? Thanks! :)
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Re: Candy for nausea?

  • Preggie drops



    Olivia and Matilda, 09/10/201 - Graham, 10/01/2013

  • Jolly Ranchers are my go to. The other nice thing is if you haven't told anyone, I haven't, that way you're not carrying around a bag that says "preggie drops", although I have heard from several ladies that they are awesome too. 

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    TTC#2 October 2011. June 2012 diagnosed with mild PCOS and both tubes blocked.
    10/1/12 miracle BFP 11/12/12 missed m/c (9w2d), baby stopped growing at 7 weeks
    1/16/13 BFP, EDD 9/27/13, m/c 1/19/13
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    2/12/13 BFP, EDD 10/25/13 Please stick little one
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    A stowaway on board! :)
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  • I bought mini chewy sweet tarts today and they seemed to help me.
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    May Siggy: Baby in disguise

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  • Life savers have done the trick for me! A girlfriend recommended and it helps a lot! :)
  • Jolly ranchers or life savers are good. or mints

    Bison (FCS) beats Big 12 Champs Kansas St (24-21)!!!

  • Trader Joe's sells a chewy ginger candy. The flavor is strong but they help me!
    DS: 2/17/11          DD: 9/4/13
  • imageAdrd47:
    preggie pops worked for me.

    same here.  You can get them at babies r us. 

    Brandon Le born 9/9/13 as a result of IVF#1

  • Nerds were great for me.
    BFP #1 8/25/12 EDD 4/28/13 Blighted Ovum, D&C 9/20/12 at 8w6d. I'll always remember the first one. My baby Grace. BFP #2 12/26/12 EDD 9/4/13. DS born 9/7/13. My sweet rainbow.
  • I like Sweetarts and Sprees, I've been munching on those for a couple of days now. 
  • Any kind of mint flavored gum helped alot when I felt it coming on and also peppermints.
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