1st Trimester

First appointment- horribly nonchalant normal?

I had my first appointment today and I have to say that I am slightly disappointed with my OB. This is my first pregnancy and I was expecting kind of introduction from the OB- what to expect, foods to eat/avoid, normal symptoms. I know I  have already found out a lot of this already but no pamphlets or anything? OB did not even tell us our due date! Is this normal? What was your experience?!

Re: First appointment- horribly nonchalant normal?

  • My first appointment was with the nurse. She took a family history, gave us my no-no lists, I signed a bunch of papers, and she did a blood draw. The following week, I met with one of the OBs for a pap smear and dating u/s.

    What exactly went down during your appointment?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • After my first appointment was just about done with, my doctor gave me info they print out on a piece of paper. And went over each thing on the list explaining, whats good/bad to eat, whats good/bad to take. and alot of other things they talked to me about. Maybe you should try going to a different clinic? I think your OB shouldve gave you ALOT of info about pregnancy, I dont think you shouldve had to ask for it.

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  • My OB did not tell me my due date at my first appointment, but she did ask about symptoms and tell me what type of symptoms she would want to know about(heavy bleeding, cramping, etc.) She also went over no-no's as far as eating and asked what prenatal I'm taking. She went over optional genetic testing.

    As far as the actual exam goes, she did a Pap, breast exam, and took blood to test for just about everything.

    She gave me a packet of info to take home including a book about pregnancy.

    Married my love 8-25-12 TTC #1 September 2012. BFP 2-2-13. DS born 10-16-13.
    TTC #2 in December 2014. BFP 12-31-14. Expecting a September baby!
  • With it being your first, I'd expect a much more attentative & informative appointment. If the next appt isn't better, I may switch. 
    DD #1 4 years old (09/22/09)
    DD #2 2 years old (08/17/11)
    DD #3 born 08/29/13

  • I got all of that information from a nurse before my regular appt.
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  • It was kind of strange because the only question she asked me was when my last period was and if we wanted to get genetic testing done. No questions about spotting, symptoms, information and do's and dont's. She did perform a Pap smear and breast exam. Then they sent me on my way to the lab where they drew blood and I gave a urine sample. I guess I will just have to bring a list of questions and go through them with her! Maybe it's just being excited because this is my first- I was just thinking it was normal to get some information from the OB. Did you guys feel the same way?
  • My doctor didn't tell me much either, and definitely didn't get any pamphlets or anything. I had a cold so I asked about some meds and she told me what was ok for a cold, but that's about it. She also told me about genetic testing and gave me a referral, and she gave me her email address for when I have any questions. Then she sent me on my merry way. I didn't need a pap because I was up to date and the woman who did my u/s told me the due date. The doctor didn't even look at the sonograms, that I noticed. She just asked me what the woman said and gave me a hug and said congratulations. She did make sure I was on a prenatal vitamin, but she didn't care or ask which one- said any are fine. She also didn't ask how I was feeling or anything at all. She wasn't cold towards me either though.

     I think part of my short talk with her was because I was one of the last appointments of the evening, and they were already running pretty far behind, and she's also a bit of younger doctor so I think she kind of trusts patients to get the basic information they need from the internet and books, and she's there to fill in any of the gaps. She seems pretty progressive and doesn't seem to see me as simply a baby vessel. She does get back to be within 24 hours usually if I have any questions I email to her. I can also call the emergency line if there's a serious issue. I'm personally not too concerned with my lack of info presented up front because she otherwise seems very open and approachable.

    One DD born 9/23/13.
    We're one and done!
  • I just found out that I am pregnant and called my doctor today to make an appointment.  They have you come in for a class (I'm going in next Tues) first, to go over bloodwork and answer questions and go over everything with you.  Then I have my first appointment where they will do an internal exam, etc.  The will not necessarily do an ultrasound, unless they think you are measuring too large or too small.  I can't wait!image"" mce_src=" "">


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  • This is why I adore my midwife. Our first apt with DS1 and this pregnancy was 1.5 hours. They covered everything under the sun from physical to emotional and I left feeling completly informed and relaxed. I'd look into a new OB if the next apt isn't much better.






  • Unfortunately this seems to be the way they all are now a days. I have 3 children and expecting number 4. I have had 3 different drs with the others. I'm now trying a birthing center with several midwives and I'll tell you I'm not impressed. I don't think any of them care any more. Im sure there are some somewhere but I sure haven't found them. If I didn't have a heart shaped uterus and considered somewhat high risk I'd just have them at home. Good Luck
  • Mine did a background questionaire, papspear, breast exam, ultrasound, gave me my due date, went over what not to eat and any questions I had. It was a great experience. 
    photo IMAG0561-002-Copy2-Copy_zps16abfae1.jpg
  • I go in for my first appointment tomorrow so I can't say too much about that, but on my OBs website it tells you to expect your first appointment to run 2-2 1/2 hours. So I am leaving a lot of time and hope to get lots of my questions answered. Really hoping to get a u/s!

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  • I had my first appointment yesterday. It was meeting with a nurse. She gave me a new baby booklet with things I should be having, things I shouldn't be having, symptoms and how to deal with them, then about childbirth and preparing for baby. She went over my medical history. Then I had to do a urine test and a lot of bloodwork. I didn't have an exam, which they scheduled for when I am 10 weeks.
  • imagemabenner1:
    My first appointment was with the nurse. She took a family history, gave us my nono lists, I signed a bunch of papers, and she did a blood draw. The following week, I met with one of the OBs for a pap smear and dating u/s.
    What exactly went down during your appointment?

    This is exactly how my appointment went

    BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012

    BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013 Arrived via c-section 09/27/2013

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