1st Trimester

symptoms..no m/s

Ok so I know people say that are pregnancy are different..but I've also heard that morning sickness can indicate a healthy pregancy.  Well I am 6 weeks and my only symptoms are mild cramping, bloated/gassy, and fatigue.  I know I must be crazy but wishing nausea would kick it...at least a bit!  I've also not noticed anything with sore or sensitive breasts.  So just wondering your thoughts!
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Re: symptoms..no m/s

  • Every woman is different! I asked my OB the same thing and he told me not to worry. Just eat good and take your prentals!! 3 congrats!!
  • Every pregnancy is different. My first pregnancy I had zero m/s but I had all the other symptoms you listed. This pregnancy I am feeling the m/s more than anything else.

    BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012

    BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013 Arrived via c-section 09/27/2013

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  • I'm EXACTLY the same as you. I haven't been to my OB yet, but same symptoms present and missing. I'm 6?weeks roughly.
  • With my DS I had no morning sickness, not once and I had a very healthy pregnancy. I say try not to worry, but I'm having very little symptoms and I'm anxious about it too, so I understand it's hard not to worry.

    "Love is what makes pain bearable." - I love you my Angels. 
    **All After a Loss Welcome**
    BFP #1: 6/25/09 EDD 2/13/10 @ 6 weeks- Saw HB @ 9 weeks - DS born 2/11/10 (39w5d)
    BFP #2: 2/20/13 EDD 11/4/13 - Saw HB 3/19/13 (7w2d) - MMC discovered 4/13/13 (10w5d) - Est. loss @ 9w3d - D&C 4/14/13
    BFP #3: 12/19/13 (4 w1d) EDD 8/27/14 - 1/1/14 discovered it was ectopic/ tube had burst/ had surgery to remove tube (@ 6 weeks)
    BFP #4: 9/10/14 (3w6d) EDD 5/21/15 - natural MC 9/23/14 @ 5w5d
    BFP #5: 11/23/14 (3w3d) EDD 8/4/15 - Please be our Rainbow!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • My OB said congrats lol enjoy a nice ms free pregnancy! Woohoo!
  • I'm 4w2d and have been nauseous for days now. Be happy you aren't experiencing this. It's miserable.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers 

  • I've known a lot of women who had no m/s and had healthy, successful pregnancies! also you're stil a bit early...it could yet to kick in! mine didn't i believe until i was 6 1/2 weeks. But if you don't get it then consider yourself lucky!
    Liliana Seraphina born 9/5/2103

  • I had no m/s at all with DS.
  • I don't have m/s and heard/saw healthy and strong heartbeat at my 8.5 weeks u/s. m/s is just a symptom, it doesn't mean anything as far as how healthy your pregnancy is. 

    My OB confirmed to me too that its normal, symptoms come and go and as long as you are progressing on track everything is good. Its hard to not worry though .  

  • I've said this before. "morning sickness can indicate a healthy pregnancy" is SOOOO annoying. 

    I mean really. My Mom carried my sister and I almost a full 10 months and NEVER PUKED.

    It may *indicate* it... but some women puke and have non-viable pregnancies. some women never puke and have amazingly healthy pregnancies. 

    Morning sickness is just like every other symptom- if you have, you have it. If you don't, you don't.  

    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
  • My doctor said for most people it kicks in around 7-8 weeks.  So at the time she said "enjoy your next two weeks".  I got to week 6 and it kicked in.  Not super bad, but enough that at times I've had to open a bag in the car in case I puke.  I haven't thrown up, but its still not a nice feeling.  Mine kicks in around 8 PM at night, I wake up in the night with it (mild qeuasiness) and lasts until about 10 AM the next morning. 
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    || Ovulation Calendar image #1 BFP May 24/2012 - EDD Jan 21/2013 - M/C May 31/2012 #2 BFP Feb 5/2013 - EDD Oct 16/2013
  • I'm currently expecting 8 no, not a typo!! and I've had horrible morning sickness that turned out to be a B6 defiency! Prior to this, my only other pregnancy that I had morning all day! sickness with we lost the baby boy at 34 weeks. Contrary to the old wives tale, no morning sickness can just as easily indicate a healthy pregnancy as having morning sickness can. And as a side note...my boys made me more queasy than the girls although none of them except the one we lost made me horribly ill!
  • I didn't have an M/S when I was pg with DS and he was born happy and healthy.

    I don't have any M/S this time around either.

    With both pregnancies the fatigue is the worst part of it during the first tri. I would love a nap right now!

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  • Thank you for the encouraging words! I'm feeling a little better about it now that I hear it is fairly common!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers.
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