December 2010 Moms

how often do you go on a kids related field trip?

This girl at work (who is kinda crazy - one of THOSE moms who likes to be over the top about everything) was telling us that she takes her kids somewhere kid related every day of the weekend, or every single day on a vacation!  Is that not crazy, or is it just me?  She plans this out thoroughly too - like if she goes to the zoo on a Saturday for her "kid trip" she spends the whole week constructing these animal related activities.  It's ridiculous.  Don't get me wrong, I would love to be that "perfect" of a mom, but I just sadly don't have the time. 

But it did get me thinking - and just was curious - how often do you do a "kid trip" as this girl calls them.  I think we take Aiden somewhere for him about twice a month on average.  During the summer months, we definitely do walks and/or playground trips almost daily. 

I just don't have the energy lately, probably winter tiredness I guess, and the fact we are limited to activities.  But also, Aiden sometimes seems happier when we are at home playing.  He LOVES play doh lately so we spend a lot of time doing that at home.  And while I love taking him to places, sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth.  Am I alone in this? 

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