1st Trimester

Great deals on zulily today

Just wanted to share that I just bought 7 maternity shirts from zulily for $85 including shipping. They were under the new beginnings: maternity basics section. I've been looking on there for awhile but this is the first time I found clothes that reasonably priced on there. Hope this helps someone else! :)
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Re: Great deals on zulily today

  • I have never shopped on zulily but you are making me want to check it out :)
    Married 10-12-08, DS born 08-23-09, BFP 01-05-13 resulted in a MC 01-09-13 BFP 02-15-13 EDD 10-28-13 Lilypie Maternity tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I just got my dress that I ordered from them. sometimes it take a week or two for them to mail things out just so you know. but they sell quality items
    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
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  • That's the first time I ever actually bought anything. I also used a $5 off $75 coupon code that I found on retailmenot.com. :)
    photo IMAG0561-002-Copy2-Copy_zps16abfae1.jpg
  • Thanks for the info! Also, if you use ebates you get 2.5% back (and a $10 bonus for signing up). Zulily also has a coupon code ZULILYFB02 for $5 off $75. I got 3 [airs of shorts, 1 pair of jeans, a pair of capris, a skirt and a shirt all for $90.00! They also have a lot of cute shirts! Happy Shopping!!!
    baby p will arrive in late October... :-) sooo excited! BabyFetus Ticker
  • I love Zulily!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • imageSomeCallMeMartha:
    Thanks for the info! Also, if you use ebates you get 2.5% back (and a $10 bonus for signing up). Zulily also has a coupon code ZULILYFB02 for $5 off $75. I got 3 [airs of shorts, 1 pair of jeans, a pair of capris, a skirt and a shirt all for $90.00! They also have a lot of cute shirts! Happy Shopping!!!



    photo IMAG0561-002-Copy2-Copy_zps16abfae1.jpg
  • I checked the Zulily site out and TBH...its super complicated to navigate and not user friendly.

     You have to dig to find things you want to view on their site.

     Thanks for the suggestion but the site configuation is annoying. :)

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