Baby Names

Sib set "themes"

Because it's a little quiet this AM, this is sort of a spin off of yesterday's "closely named sibs" threads.

I think most of us agree that closely named sibs are sort of strange, how do we feel about "themed" sibsets?  I mean like sisters named Holly, Iris and Daisy or brothers named Kennedy, Regan and Clinton?

Super weird, or no?

I am going to admit that sometimes, I think this can be cute.  I really like gemstone names (DD's middle is Pearl) and I have though about using another gem name as a middle for a future LO, but not sure if I actually would.

I will confess that my 3 siblings and I sort of have loosely "themed" names, but it would be almost impossible for anyone outside of my immediate family to pick up on.



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Lilypie - (TUWi)


Re: Sib set "themes"

  • It's something I can occasionally admire from afar, but it's so easy to tip over into cheesiness. I don't think I'd roll my eyes at sisters named Ruby, Pearl, and Opal, but it's not something I'd do. I don't necessarily mind something subtle, especially when the individual names are nice.

    I know I've posted this before, but I know an honest-to-goodness Disney princess sibset. Ariel, Belle, Cinderella, and Aurora. That's too much. God help little Cinderella if she doesn't have a sense of humor about it. I know it sounds like something from Snopes, but I'm not kidding. SSA says there were 9 Cinderellas born in 2000, another 9 in 2005, and 8 in 2010.

  • I generally don't like this at all, but I'm strongly considering naming my future DD (if I have one) Ruby and I already have a Violet. 
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  • imageplunderb:

    It's something I can occasionally admire from afar, but it's so easy to tip over into cheesiness. I don't think I'd roll my eyes at sisters named Ruby, Pearl, and Opal, but it's not something I'd do. I don't necessarily mind something subtle, especially when the individual names are nice.

    I know I've posted this before, but I know an honest-to-goodness Disney princess sibset. Ariel, Belle, Cinderella, and Aurora. That's too much. God help little Cinderella if she doesn't have a sense of humor about it. I know it sounds like something from Snopes, but I'm not kidding. SSA says there were 9 Cinderellas born in 2000, another 9 in 2005, and 8 in 2010.

    Oh no!  That is a terrible themeSad


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I would rather have "themed" names than similar names like Elias and Elise.

    However, I do think it's a bit cheesy. For middle names, I don't mind it - whatever suits your fancy!

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  • imagejenniferb123006:

    Our theme is family names.  For us this meant that we also ended up with closely named siblings -- Mary Adeline and Martha Rose.  We really like the idea of honoring family with our children's names.  I also like the idea that we are picking people we admire and hope that our children may have just a few of their characteristics.

    I don't generally like overt themes.  I also don't like closely named siblings.  But I do understand why they happen and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't affect me or my family.

    I wouldn't really consider this a theme, maybe more of a family tradition?

    Your little red- heads are adorable!  And I love their names.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I think the gemstone middle names would be cute. I would use Opal and/or Ruby and I definitely like Esmeralda. For boys I like Micah.

    For us, I may use other names that have a "virtue" meaning. Which I think is maybe too subtle, but I like it. Ex. DD's name stands for wisdom, so I may find ones that mean honor, strength, faith, etc. We'll see.

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  • I think it's kind of fun. There was a girl who posted on here with all nature names. I liked it.
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  • Not super weird, but often kind of cheesy.  Ruby, Pearl, and Opal or Daisy, Iris, and Holly or president names are a little cheesy for my style.

    However, pp theme of family names: not cheesy.

    My DD has alliteration for fn and mn. I like the way it sounds.  So I've thought of doing it for DS too.  I guess you'd call that a theme, and to me that's acceptable. I also don't think it's as cheesy to have 2 tor 3 sibs all with same letter starting their name.  Once you get up there in numbers, like the Duggars, it becomes too much for me.

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  • Technically my boys do, I guess.  Both names are surnames. But I've always been a fan of surnames since I was little (my BFF's name was Smith) so it's not really a "trend" to me.  Andalso? Our last name is a first name so I think it sounds good together.

    But DS1 is Carter and I'd never consider naming another child Lincoln, Kennedy, etc. for obvious reasons. But DS2 is Reid, so it's still a surname.  If I had another boy, his name would be a surname as well. (Most likely Lucas.)


    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

  • imageMelRC117:
    I don't like themes.  I think it sounds ridiculous especially if you don't even like the name but just like the theme.  There are some boy names we like and I had considered for phatom future boys and I could see with some of them people might think we were going for a football theme.  I guess it bugs me if its intentional. What is the likelihood that a couple's most liked names are all former president's surnames or all flower names?  Not likely.

    Yeah, this was the part that bothers me about the idea, even though I sometime think about doing ti myselfEmbarrassed


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I've also encountered some pretty awesome sibsets in my historical research.

    For example, a black family living in rural Massachusetts in the 1870s had sons named Frederick Douglass, John Brown, and Abraham Lincoln (both parents were born free and were obviously committed to the cause of abolition).

  • I really like the name Tabitha, but since that was Samantha's daughter on "Bewitched", and Sabrina was that teenage witch, I decided I probably shouldn't go with a witch theme.  LOL.
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  • My Step sisters are Victoria and Aerial which were two charecters on a popular soap opera my step mother liked. Not something the outside world would see and also a weird way to choose names...

    FI and are are hoping to name our children with names somehow realted to litterature. Plans right now are if we are ever blessed with a DD she will be Hanna from The Reader by Bernard Schlink and if we are ever blessed with a DS he is most likely going to be Oscar from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. Again not something an outsider would notice.

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    Oscar born November 20, 2016 at 35w6d

  • "Not super weird, but often kind of cheesy."  This.  

    And those poor Disney sisters, lol. 

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  • I don't particularly care for themes. I don't like it at all if the parents feel that they have to disregard a name they like just because it doesn't "fit"...or if they are die hard fans...then it's hokey.

    I ran into this problem the a month or two ago when considering Blake as a sibling to Liam. I have liked the name Blake for a long time now (since grade school). But when I was pregnant with DS my DH didn't care for it. Since then he's changed his mind and I reconsidered it..but then hesistated when someone pointed out William Blake (whose works I really enjoy). I don't know why I never thought about it before but it does seem "themey".

    Long story short I guess themes are not a big deal BUT I don't care for it to be forced.

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  • I think they can cross the border into cheesyland way too easily, though it can be subtle and well done.

    I kinda wonder about this with a future child, now that DS is Gabriel. If we used a name that was totally completely different, would people give us weird looks? Should we stick with biblical-sounding names, or would that end up being super matchy?


    Clearly I need to not think about it now since that's a long way off. But I spend way too much time hear to not consider it!



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  • I feel like I sort of have to use a religious name (for all of our boys at least) because our DS1 is Joseph nn Joey. Not that I don't like anymore religious boy names, I just know that I like other, non-religious boy names too.
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  • I have never posted on this board but I lurk a lot. This topic got me thinking about the names I have chosen for my own kids. DD 1 is Charlotte and I am now pregnant with number 2, we are pretty set on Savannah for a girl. Totally unintentional but there is an obvious "southern cities'' connection or theme there. Do you think this is cheesy? I LOVE the names but now Im reconsideringSad
  • For middle names, I think it's nice. My parents have the male/female variety of the same name, and both my sister and I got a middle name that is a less known version of this name. I like it, it ties our family together.

    For first names, it gets ridiculous if the set exists of more than two, IMHO. Unless the names are very, very common. DH's name and his sisters' names all start with the same letter. But I guess they were all top ten names, or close to that, in the 80's. So it doesn't look conspicious at all, it took me a year to notice it.

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  • imageChristyML:
    I feel like I sort of have to use a religious name (for all of our boys at least) because our DS1 is Joseph nn Joey. Not that I don't like anymore religious boy names, I just know that I like other, non-religious boy names too.


    No, I think Joseph is such a common, mainstream name that no one would think twice if you used something trendy or different.



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  • imageneenann:
    I have never posted on this board but I lurk a lot. This topic got me thinking about the names I have chosen for my own kids. DD 1 is Charlotte and I am now pregnant with number 2, we are pretty set on Savannah for a girl. Totally unintentional but there is an obvious "southern cities'' connection or theme there. Do you think this is cheesy? I LOVE the names but now Im reconsideringSad

    I don't think it's cheesy. I think both names are pretty. I really love Savannah but DH shot it down fast. 

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  • It doesn't really bother me I guess, especially with mns. DH and my BIL both share the same mn that is their mother's maiden name. Their grandpap was/is a very prominent and influential high school football coach in SWPA and they both carried on that name in their mn. It's a possibility we will use it if we have a son as well.


    I like Rose and Violet as middle names on siblings. 

     Savannah and Charlotte I wouldn't think twice about them being matchy.


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  • Eh. I know a family with a Justice, Liberty, America and Honor :/
  • It would just depend on the names and how obvious the theme was.

  • I hate sibsets (whether that's the theme or four kids starting with the same letter, etc.). I do hate the new trend of cities (and to the PP, I wouldn't have noticed Savannah and Charlotte at all, and I live in the south, so I would not worry about it). I'm talking about the London, Paris, Brooklyn combos. 

    I think biblical names are okay (just because there are so many and so many are classic names). We unintentionally did that (Christian and Luke) but the third child will be breaking that trend (and all of our kids have family names, intentionally).  

    DS1 - 9; DS2 - 6; Angel - May 10, 2011; Baby Girl - Due May 19, 2013
  • I think if we have another kid, especially if it's a girl I'll push for a color middle name. DD is Eloise Clementine and I don't want the first names to match but if we had another DD I think I'd try to use Olive or Hazel as the MN.
  • My name is Juliet.  My sister's name is Katie, NN Kate among family, and my dad says we have a Shakespearean theme, although I don't think that was the intent.  We haven't done this with our children, but I think it would be cool to have a Shakespearean sibset, as long as the names weren't drawn from the same play (like Viola and Sebastian, while good names individually, would be cheesy together).
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  •  I think it's kind of fun. There was a girl who posted on here with all nature names. I liked it.

    I really like your names :)


    Baby Vincent or Cloudy!
  • My daughters are Ruby and Scarlett.   One is a gem and the other a color but both shades of red.   Most people don't get it but they were both born the week of Christmas.   I just happened to like both of these names.   Now I am having a 3rd girl and not sure what name might tie in?
  • I think it can be done subtly and tastefully. A PP mentioned names with a themed meaning. I think that could work. Or literary names could be a subtle theme if done right.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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