1st Trimester

How soon did you see the doctor

Just tried scheduling my first appointment and one clinic scheduled me for April 9th and another for March 25th. I am 4 weeks 5 days. was hoping the would see me sooner. I've read most ladies here that have been seen before 8 weeks :(
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Re: How soon did you see the doctor

  • Its gonna be a long wait. Thanks for your response.
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  • Ditto pp- unless you have bleeding or a history of miscarriages, 8 weeks is the standard.  My first appt was 9 weeks. 
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  • My dr sees patients with no history of losses at 8 weeks at the earliest. I know it's a long stressful wait.
    BFP #1 11/27/11 EDD 08/08/12 M/C 01/27/12 12 wks 2 days
    BFP #2 04/25/12 EDD 01/04/13(?) confirmed ectopic 05/16/12 6 wks 5 days 2 doses of MTX-Lost left tube on 05/25/12 Back to TTC, earlier than originally expected.
    BFP #3 01/05/13 EDD 09/17/13 u/s 1/24/13-great appt, measuring 2 days ahead, NT scan 3/11/13-great scan measuring 4 days ahead, A/S 4/29/13-another great scan can't wait to meet my baby BOY!!!!!
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  • I was 9 weeks at my first appt.  A lot of practices see new patients between 8-10 weeks unless there is a history of loss or cause for concern.
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  • I had a missed miscarriage last June. Should I have mentioned this? Moved to a new area so its a new clinic am going to.
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  • Where I live you just see your famiyl doctor until 26/28 weeks then you see your OB from there.

    So I made an appt the day I found out I was pregnant (3 w 6 d) and saw her 4 w 5 d and she wants to see me again 6 w 5 days. 

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  • 8 weeks 5 days: my first appointment.

    Many ladies who are seen earlier in first trimester have a history of IF or loss. It's not a privilege or lucky thing to require earlier monitoring.

    Some doctors offices don't even do an appointment until 2nd trimester.

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  • My dr will see patients between 8-10w. I saw her at 8w
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  • My first appt was last fri and my first ultrasound is at 12 weeks. That's standard for low/no risk.






  • imagekestock120:
    I was 9 weeks at my first appt.  A lot of practices see new patients between 8-10 weeks unless there is a history of loss or cause for concern.

    This is how it was for me. Bc of our history they saw me once to date the pregnancy (8w4d) and again today at 10 weeks. I have another appt at 16 weeks.

    BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012

    BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013 Arrived via c-section 09/27/2013

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