1st Trimester


I just got my bloodwork results yesterday. I am about 6 weeks, and my beta was 13, 330 and the progesterone was 9.7. I asked the nurse if these numbers were good, and she said yes. But, being the paranoid that I am I googled it and it came up that while my progesterone was in the "ok" range, it was in the bottom.

Do you think this is ok? I have my first real doctor appointment tomorrow and I don't want to freak out until then.

Re: Progesterone?

  • I would talk to your doctor about it tomorrow. Progesterone levels change all the time throughout the day even, so it's harder to track. Every doctor likes to see different numbers, too. I have heard of a lot of doctors who are happy with 10 or higher, which you are pretty much at. My doctor wants to see levels of 15 or more. I would probably ask about supplements if I were you, and also see if you can have it retested after 48 hrs. GL and congrats on your pregnancy!
  • I was put on progesterone suppositories when my level was at a 12. I would call and talk to your dr.
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  • I would check with the doctor too.  I was put on progesterone and 4.5 weeks and mine was 21.6.  She put me on because I had a previously m/c at 5.1 weeks and the progesterone was 2.6 down so she is making sure that is not the cause this time if it was last.
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  • I just had mine done and the low end of normal our lab goes by is 10 so I would make sure you dont need to start taking progesterone. 
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  • Thank you, I will mention this when I see my doctor tomorrow!
  • I agree ask the doctor. She may not be worried or she may put you on supplements. I am on "the low end of normal" so I am on them, but I previously tested low with the RE also.

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