1st Trimester

Benzodiazepines- Panic Disorder


Anyone take while pregnant (Klopinin, Xanax, Ativan, etc) I have panic disorder and my OB said I could use only occasionally...like once per week...and only after the first trimester.  Anyone take and baby is OK?  Thank you.

Re: Benzodiazepines- Panic Disorder

  • I stopped my meds including xanax altogether. Flying without it was hell but I survived. Benzo's can cause cleft pal.
    Married 10-12-08, DS born 08-23-09, BFP 01-05-13 resulted in a MC 01-09-13 BFP 02-15-13 EDD 10-28-13 Lilypie Maternity tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Cleft palate only if taken first tri per my OB. I work FT and have a 4 year old. I just cant go w/o it.

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  • I have panic disorder, but I'm not on any of those. I take Zoloft during pregnancy. It helps to a degree at least it keeps things in check. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I take an SSRI too, but horrible breakthrough panic....
  • I have taken klonopin but not while pregnant...I wouldn't take it while pregnant personally but if you follow your doctor's advice you should be fine.
    Liliana Seraphina born 9/5/2103

  • As I recall, most benzo's are pregnancy category C or worse, so you take them as sparingly as possible. Its not necessarily to say you can't, just save it til you reach an end-of-the-world panic event.

    There are a TON of ways you can learn to deal with panic and anxiety without the use of medications, too. I am on a hybrid program with my psychiatrist where I am in a support group she runs for panic/anxiety people, so I'm learning to cope there, all while being on a (pregnancy safe) panic/anxiety medication. Over the years, I have been able to learn to cope with panic attacks better and use less medication.

    This is the book we use in my support group. If you stick to it and make it a regular thing, this book is excellent.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I could have used one today! I have bipolar as well as anxiety and am off all of my meds again for this pregnancy. It's a roller coaster. I wouldn't risk taking anything. Zoloft is one of the only "ok" drugs to take, but it's not an option for me. Good luck and feel better!
    **Freddy** BabyFetus Ticker image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image
  • My doctor gave me study after study of why it IS OK to take Benzo's.  It's less than 1% of a clef pallete and I even read in another study today that their was no real answer if it really does cause clef pallete.  I'm only a month along, and my pyschiatrist is amazingly smart and knowledgable.  He says he has helped women take meds all through their preg and never has anything been wrong and even women are taking 10 times stronger than I am.  Read 


     Very insightful.  I think people just say it isn't ok bc that is what they've been told, well of course no OBGYN wants to take that chance to say yes for lawsuit reasons.


  • I know a woman who took xanax during her whole pregnancy, and her son was totally healthy. However, you have to decide for yourself whether the benefits outweigh the risks.
    image  Lilypie - (E5mQ)

  • i had terrible anxiety my first pregnancy and took klonopin through most of the 2nd trimester.  my doctor is very knowledgeable and said for me, the benefits far outweighed any risks.  my daughter is perfect!
  • AmyMDW, Can you tell me what you are taking? I take between 2 and 3 mg of klonopin a few times a week
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