I had expected to have my period yesterday morning, 02/18/2013, and lately my breasts been extremely sore and I been very nauseated all day for about a 1 week and a half. My breasts are not normally sore around my period at all. My last period was 01/22/2013 and I had sex on Feb. 1st and Feb. 5th and 6th. I don't know anything else that's wrong. I feel like I'm literally ON MY CYCLE cause I'm cramping, but no bleeding or anything, just irritable even more and cramping and back pains. Someone help me!! Is this normal if I am pregnant.
Re: I think I'm really pregnant...I'm only 18!!!
We can't tell you. Take a test.
If you are not ready for the possibility of a kid... use better protection, or any at all if you have not been.
My doctor did a urine test on Feb 8th and a blood pregnancy test and also a ultrasound on Feb. 13th, nothing didnt show and my tests came back neg but maybe it was too early. WOuld a test show today and what brand should i use?
Which dollar store?
I would say 2/8 and 2/13 is probably too early to test/see anything, based on a 1/22 LMP. Though a doctor should know that *side eye*. Most doctors won't test anything until the day of your missed period or if you were seeing a specialist.
Just go to the store and buy a pregnancy test (or 2). I'd wait until the morning if you can to test, if you can't try tonight and if negative try again in the morning. Likely you ovulated later than "normal" and your period is coming.
OK, now I'm calling MUD and am sorry I wasted my time responding.
It sounds like you're PMSing IMO and 1 day late isn't exactly missing your period.
Take a pregnancy test.
Bahahaha deff MUD
Your dates don't add up.
OP, your 18 year old self can take your big girl money to the drug store to buy a pink dye HPT. Read the directions carefully and follow them. If you see two pink lines within the time limit then you are KTFU.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
Why would you need to go to an ER ?? I am an ER docs wife. They will bounce you back to your primary if it is not an emergency which missing a period is not an emergency by any means.
This is the most boring MUD post everrrrrrrrrrr!
Why would you join a pregnancy forum a month ago? Did you think you were pregnant then as well?
Take a test.
October 2013 March Siggy Challenge: Favorite Easter Candy
TTC Nov 2012|BFP 1/27/13|EDD 10/9/13|1st u/s 2/20/13
Team Green x2 - Can't wait for our twosome to arrive
This Shiz is making my baby mad! OP really? Check those dates and if you forgot how to add or count go back to school! Why would you ask internet strangers if you are pregnant? AND A HUGE SIDE EYE to the Dr. who wasted money on a US on such wonky dates!?
Also if you are 18 on a site devoted to parenting and having children, writing down the dates you have sex and following things this closely then be KTFU should be such a damn shocker!
You'll get your period when you start using them when writing.
Bump burp.
"You'll get your period when you start using them when writing."
bahahahah! love it
With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere. - C.S.Lewis
That was my reaction too
I'd love to see what that other post was but her recent posts are all... this dumb thread
THIS! Holy crap, take a pregnancy test and stop waisting our time. This is totally MUD!
Umm ...yeah, I'm calling MUD. This makes no sense lol