1st Trimester

Intro and good vibes requested - Long

Good morning!  I usually just lurk and absorb everyone else's knowledge.  I am 6 weeks pregnant with our third child.  We tried for 8 years to have our first child.  He is almost 7 now and our second son is almost 3.  Everytime I get pregnant it is with help from Clomid.  Definitely planned babies!  And so wanted and loved.  I have pretty easy pregnancies, with the exception of delivery.  I've had C-sections both times and my doc told me I'll always have them going forward.  At least I'll be prepared!

Here is where the good vibes are needed.  My husband is worried he's going to lose his job today.  He provides 2/3 of our income.  I had a GREAT bank job for almost 7 years and was laid off in April, 2011.  The job I have now isn't too bad, but it is only 30 hours a week.  NO benefits.  NO PTO.  Through our last financial fiasco in 2011 we were always able to pay our bills.  Between our savings and my severence pay and unemployment we made it work.  That won't be the case this time.  We haven't been able to build our savings back up.  I'm worried.  About my sweet husband and about our family.  We don't live high on the hog.  He is going to trade in his car for a beater so that we don't have that payment.  But I don't see where else we can cut.  We don't have cable or a home phone.  We do have internet and cell phones.  But we don't go out to eat a lot.  Our boys are pretty easy except when they have growth spurts.  I am a HUGE couponer, but it isn't as easy in my state as others.

Any words of wisdom or encouragement are greatly welcomed and appreciated.

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Intro and good vibes requested - Long

  • First off- congrats on the babies! :)

    and second- I hope you dh doesnt lose his job. I would see if he could start applying to other jobs now. Even if he doesnt lose the job he has now. It doesnt hurt.

    Then things to make more money- sell other stuff you don't need on craigslist. Shoes, clothes, anything you dont use.

    Hope everything goes well for you.

    Bison (FCS) beats Big 12 Champs Kansas St (24-21)!!!

  • Are you in FL? Worst coupon state ever...



    Olivia and Matilda, 09/10/201 - Graham, 10/01/2013

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  • If you need any financial advice I recomend the ladies on the Money Matters board on thenest. They are full of ideas on where to cut spending when you just dont think there is anything you can do.

    BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012

    BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013 Arrived via c-section 09/27/2013

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


  • sending good vibes your way! I really hope your husband doesn't lose his job.
    Liliana Seraphina born 9/5/2103

  • imagekaro112:
    Are you in FL? Worst coupon state ever...

    Yes, I'm in Florida.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Well, he did lose his job.  After 14 years with the company and a store manager for 9 years.  He has an interview next week with a larger company.  That's good.  Has a drug test tomorrow for another company. (Not sure the amount of hours they are offering him.)  We live in a tourist area, so good news is with Spring Break coming up the restaurants are hiring and he's pretty good at waiting tables, he just hasn't had to do it for a long time!

    I'm blessed with a wonderful husband with a GREAT work ethic that will keep us in diapers and food.

    Thank you, ladies for your words of encouragement and ideas.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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