
amnio for lung maturity?

What is the process of the amnio to check for lung maturity prior to induction and are there any risks??? We have the chose of a scheduled c/s a few days prior to 38 wks but must have an amnio first or we can wait til 38 wks pus a couple days and just have the c/s (baby A is breech).  WWYD?

Re: amnio for lung maturity?

  • I would just wait until 38 weeks.

    I had the amnio done at 36w2d. The risks are 1 in 600 for causing labor, or so I was told by my doctors. The process takes about 20 minutes. You'll have an ultrasound done to see where the babies are. My doctor numbed the area he was going to stick the needle in, but it only numbs the surface. You'll still feel incredible pressure and the needle "swishing" around inside of you. It made me feel sick to my stomach, caused hard contractions and I felt pretty crampy until the day of my c-section two days later.

    All that said, it probably isn't worth the stress on your or the baby.

  • I agree with pp.  I had 2 amnios for lung maturity.  Then i had my c/s when I was 37w4d.  My doc wanted the babies out since I was contracting A LOT (but never dilated) and then I started bleeding (bloody show) th day after my 2nd amnio so it was time for them to come out.  My 2nd amnio did show that the babies were ready though.  If you can wait, then wait.  It is not a pleasant thing to undergo, in my opinion.  GL!
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  • I did a lot of research about this, because originally my doctors were going to induce me around 35 weeks if I did amnio, or else I would have to wait till 36 weeks (my girls were mono/di twins). According to my research (confirmed by the doctor) the resks for babies from amnio (of hitting them with the needle) are 1-2% and the risk of having immature lungs at 35 weeks is 5% (probably much much lower for 37+). I chose not to do the procedure and I had induction scheduled for 36 weeks. (Of course girls chose to make an early appearance)
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