Has anyone else experienced mild cramps just on one side? Mine aren't bad at all, but I've noticed it's just on my right side. I'm 7 weeks by the way..
I only have cramping on the L side. I had an US over a week ago (routine in-office) and baby was just fine. Unless you are having severe cramping/bleeding, I wouldn't worry about ectopic. Mention it to your OB at your next appt.
Yes, I had mild cramping on my right side only for weeks. I am now getting it occasionally on the left side as well but still more often on the right. I just had a healthy ultrasound today with the baby moving like crazy! I wouldn't worry.
I had cramping on my left side(right around 7 weeks) and 1st time mommy panic kicked in I ended up going to the ER only to be told it's normal discomfort due to being Preggo, and not to panic unless the cramping is very bad or there is bleeding (bright red/pink... a little browish old looking blood is normal). I recommend calling your OB, that way you don't end up with a big bill for something that's normal ;0)
Re: Mild Cramps Only on One Side