1st Trimester

Hi guys! New here!

Im Diana, i should be 4-5 weeks along. so due around the end of Oct. This is my first pregnancy.  

I live with my BF and my sister lives with us as well. We also have 2 dogs.  

I do not have health insurance and used to take care of everything reproductive like pap smears and std testing through planned parenthood. I currently have a yeast infection and i called PP to make an appointment for tomorrow. Hopefully theyll do a blood test to confirm and and take care of this yeast infection. After that My BF will be adding me to his health insurance and i will look into finding a midwife...

Are any of you using midwives or doing home births? 


Anyway i just wanted to say Hi! 

IAmPregnant Ticker

Re: Hi guys! New here!

  • Welcome and good luck!
    I won't be doing a home birth as my province does not have any midwives, but I will hopefully be having a natural birth in a hospital.
    image Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I dont think i want to do a home birth, i think im looking for a birthing center or just a natural birth at a hospital... if all goes well...


    IAmPregnant Ticker
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