October 2013 Moms

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said...

I called to set up my first appointment and they wanted to wait till 8-10 weeks along. I asked if I could come in and get my levels tested to confirm the pregnancy since I have had a miscarriage in the past and they said yes. So my hubby took me in a couple of hours ago (I didn't want to have to pay to park at work twice) and now I'm just waiting for my confirmation call and to make my first appointment. Fingers crossed that all my levels were okay.

Hubby and I also decided to let our parents know the good news. We called my mom first (this will be her 6th grandchild) and she told me to shut up! LOL. She knew we were trying but I guess she wasn't expecting it and then she started crying. My dad passed away a little less than two months ago so I think it was hard on her to hear the news by herself. It makes me so sad. His parents were ecstatic as this will be there first grandchild. 

That's all for now, I'll let y'all know what the Dr says when I get the call!

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