Nurseries and Baby Gear

When it's worth buying new vs. used vs. likely gifts

I want to start keeping an eye out early for good deals on items on consignment/yard sale/craig's list that seem reasonable to buy used, but I'm wondering what is worth buying new (due to wear and tear, germs, or otherwise) and what's reasonable to expect folks may give at a shower. I've noticed people are very generous in their responses here, so perhaps providing the below a list, and asking a response of "new", "used", or "gift" wouldn't be too much to ask of you and would be a great help to me!   Thank you!!

- car seat

- stroller

- baby carrier

 - bouncer

- swing

- infant tub

- crib

- changing table/chest of drawers

- play mat

- toys

- crib mobile

- exersaucer

- diaper bag

Anything I left off you'd recommend for used?  I left off crib mattress & crib sheets because those I know I'll want new, and I know clothes are popular gifts.  Thank you!!



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Re: When it's worth buying new vs. used vs. likely gifts

  • I would buy the car seat and crib new. Used car seats are a big no no. Unless you are getting from a trusted friend, there is no way of knowing if it has been in an accident, the straps have been washed, etc.

    The rest of the items on your list are fair game for used. A lot of that stuff can be washed and sterilized.

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  • - car seat (NEW)

    - stroller (used but a good one)

    - baby carrier (used)

    - bouncer (used)

    - swing (used)

    - infant tub (used)

    - crib (new or good used one)

    - changing table/chest of drawers (used)

    - play mat (used)

    - toys (used or gift)

    - crib mobile (used or gift)

    - exersaucer (used)

    - diaper bag (used)

    The above is more or less what we have done. We have saved a ton of money and we really didn't have a low budget to work with I just hate spending money when not needed!

    All our clothes are used (bought huge lots online, got 200 items for $75). Clothes are cute but they get pooped, peed and barfed on and fit for a few weeks.

    I believe a new car seat is a must and sometimes a crib...we ended up with a used crib because it was a trustworthy family and a really really high quality crib (I had no interest in spending $800 for the new one when I could get it for $150.

    I bought zero toys as we will receive those as gifts.  No shower before baby but rather after (tends to be our family way of doing them) and since we have to fly back home for the shower we will be limited to clothes and toys as gifts to get them back home.

    In my opinion the rest is all better used, the swing nad bouncy chair and all that really don't get used for long and there is no need to buy new unless you really want a specific model to match something...even then you will find it online if you check often.

    We bought our stroller new as I found it on clearance (rare) and I was very very set on having a BOB stroller which rarely come up used and when they do they still cost more used than the clearance price we found!

    I really spent time everyday checking online for used stuff and bought item bby item over the course of 4 months slowly building the nursery. We saved thousands and got all great quality items in great condition.

    Again, I am biased about spending money when not needed and had great pleasure in saving so much. We can put that money to much better use in baby's RESP or house project we felt would benefit baby and us (duct cleaning, new windows etc).


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  • New: car seat

    I will probably end up buying the stroller new, because I haven't found quite what I want yet. 

    Used: everything else

    I have bought maybe 5 onesies over the course of a year; the rest of our clothes for DS were gifts either at the shower or throughout the year from people who like to give babies things.  Likewise, I haven't bought very many toys (other than for Christmas) for DS and yet, somehow, our house has been overtaken by toys gifted.

    The changing table we bought used (in its old life, it was a desk) and we were given the gently used swing, bouncer, and exersaucer from neighbors whose children had out grown them.

    I made the mobile, artwork, and rug for DS's room.

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  • The only thing I bought new was the car seat and stroller.  I wanted to buy the stroller used but DH ended up buying me the one I wanted as a gift for my shower.  Everything else we bought used.  For his first 12 months I didn't spend more than $2 on a piece of clothing. 

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  • PPs made a lot of great points about new vs used. I agree-my only requirements for new would be a car seat and crib. To address the gift part of the question, it depends on your friends and families. I've addressed this based on hat I've seen from the showers I've hosted and attended. 

    - car seat: New, sometimes a gift usually from someone lose like baby's grandparents, close aunt, or a large group (co-workers)

    - stroller: Gift, similar to the car seat

    - baby carrier: Used, I don't usually see these gifted. 

     - bouncer: Gift

    - swing: Gift, similar to the stroller and car seat

    - infant tub: Gift, usually filled with other bath supplies 

    - crib: New

    - changing table/chest of drawers: Used, or find something new that can Gowers with the child. 

    - play mat: Gift

    - toys: Gift

    - crib mobile: Gift

    - exersaucer: Gift (very popular at all the showers I've attended)

    - diaper bag: Gift especially filled with essentials 


    FWIW, the only things I have purchased before my showers are the rock and play (super clearance deal), stroller (even better clearance deal), car seat (BRU trade in event, kept the receipt in case it gets gifted), and all nursery furniture (only needed a crib, had the rest from another bedroom suite).  If you are watching Craigslist or something similar  and see an unbelievable deal, go for it. Otherwise, wait till your shower. You will still find a good deal. Good luck!

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  •  I just said how I personally got all the items you listed. 

     - car seat (New)

    - stroller (Used)

    - baby carrier (New)

     - bouncer (New)

    - swing (Borrowed)

    - infant tub (New)

    - crib (New)

    - changing table/chest of drawers (Used)

    - play mat (Borrowed)

    - toys (New/Used/Gift)

    - crib mobile (Gift)

    - exersaucer (New)

    - diaper bag (Gift)

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  • - car seat - NEW for sure. Definitely new.

    - stroller - You can do used but we opted for new. Can be a gift.

    - baby carrier - Up to you. Often a gift.

     - bouncer - Used or borrowed. Often a gift.

    - swing - Used or borrowed. Often a gift.

    - infant tub - Used from someone you know (I'd just borrow this from a friend since you only need it until baby can sit well in the main bathtub). I wouldn't buy used from a stranger. Often a gift.

    - crib - NEW or purchased within the last couple of years since older models often have features/materials that have since been recalled or deemed less desirable.

    - changing table/chest of drawers - Used, totally

    - play mat - New or used from a friend. Would not buy used from a stranger. Often a gift.

    - toys - Used if plastic and easily cleaned. New if plush. Often a gift.

    - crib mobile - Used or borrowed. Often a gift.

    - exersaucer - Used or borrowed.

    - diaper bag - Up to you. Often a gift.

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  • The only thing I would buy new is the car seat. I bought a ton of stuff used, including: swing, bouncer, jumperoo, bumbo seat, diaper bag, and rocker/recliner for nursery.

    One thing I'd suggest getting is a rock 'n play. I got mine as a baby shower gift. Otherwise, I'd probably buy that one new. It was (and still is) very helpful for us - definitely one of our most used baby items!

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  • - car seat new

    - stroller used if in good condition

    - baby carrier used

     - bouncer used

    - swing used

    - infant tub used

    - crib new

    - changing table/chest of drawers 

    - play mat used

    - toys new if fabric; used if plastic

    - crib mobile used

    - exersaucer 

    - diaper bag 

    Anything I left off you'd recommend for used?  I left off crib mattress & crib sheets because those I know I'll want new, and I know clothes are popular gifts.  Thank you!!

    I bought most of our gear off craigslist.  All of them were washable - I washed w/bleach and put it out in the sun to further sanitize.  

    If you need a RnP or PnP, def buy them used. Other items I got used were:

    nursing cover, my brest friend nursing pillow, high chair,  changing pad.

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    Our IVF miracle, Baby Boy M, arrived on 11/8/2012!
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  • I have not had my shower yet but have been keeping my eye out on crags list, thrift stores, yard sales for amazing deals on the things I have registered for and for clothing.  My rule of thumb is that I am going to wait to buy most of it unless I find amazing deals after the shower.  I have had pretty good luck though and got my stroller in pristine condition for about 75% off of retail.  I did the same with the bouncer.  My husband got me the Ergo carrier for my birthday after I pointed them out to him on Zulily for half off.  We have a borrowed crib that I checked to make sure was not recalled.  Honestly the only things I am insisting we get new are the car seat and crib mattress.  I know you mentioned crib sheets new but I have gotten a few pottery barn kids sheets super cheap off of crags list and dont see anything wrong with that.  As long as it can be thrown in the washer I feel good about it being clean enough.  I do usually to a vinegar rinse with at least the first wash of used clothing and such though as that will help kill the nasties.  I have gotten some clothing because I have very specific taste and my husband and I find most baby clothing obnoxious but I only do that when it is a super deal like around $1 used or on super clearance for harder to find used things like sweaters (our baby is due in November).  My shower is next month so I cant speak to what you can expect to get at that.
  • Get the carseat new but at least check some of the items like the stroller and baby carrier haven't been recalled.

    FWIW I'd register somewhere like Walmart if I were you for the items new you'd like. They are priced a little lower than the baby stores and you might be pleasantly surprised what friends, family, and even coworkers will get you. I used to manage a restaurant and people would often pitch in for a travel system as a big group gift for someone. :)

    Whatever you don't get you can always fill in with used items.
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
  • Consider whether you plan on a second baby and would re-use many of the items. For us, buying new for some items like the swing and the stroller were worth it because we hope to have a second baby and could re-use those items. Here's how our list broke down:

    Car seat - New
    Crib (with combination changing table) and mattress - Gift, purchased by my MIL
    Stroller - New
    Swing - New
    Bouncer seat - gift
    Baby Carrier - borrowed
    Infant tub - gift
    Play mat - gift
    Toys - gift
    Mobile - N/A
    Exersaucer - new
    Diaper bag - gift
    Play 'n' pack - gift

  • I want to start keeping an eye out early for good deals on items on consignment/yard sale/craig's list that seem reasonable to buy used, but I'm wondering what is worth buying new (due to wear and tear, germs, or otherwise) and what's reasonable to expect folks may give at a shower. I've noticed people are very generous in their responses here, so perhaps providing the below a list, and asking a response of "new", "used", or "gift" wouldn't be too much to ask of you and would be a great help to me!   Thank you!!

    - car seat NEW!!!

    - stroller used or gift

    - baby carrier-used depending on what you want some are even better when "broken in"

     - bouncer used

    - swing perhaps advice is to get one that plugs in!!

    - infant tub-used

    - crib-new

    - changing table/chest of drawersused

    - play mat-new harder to wash IMO

    - toys-new/used depends on if they can be fully disinfected

    - crib mobile-I got mine used from a friend but new if you don't have this luxury

    - exersaucer-used

    - diaper bag-generally new.  I have bought used ju ju be bags with good luck.  They are very good quality and wash well.

    Anything I left off you'd recommend for used?  I left off crib mattress & crib sheets because those I know I'll want new, and I know clothes are popular gifts.  Thank you!!

    Anything I can fully disinfect besides car seats and cribs are fair games for used.  Generally people buy cheaper items for your shower but sometimes grandparents will want to buy a larger gift.



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  • This is what we did:

    - car seat new

    - stroller new

    - baby carrier- gift and used 

     - bouncer gift

    - swing perhaps gift or used if we don't get it. Will only buy if get a good price since on craigslist they sell expensive

    - infant tub-new. got a great deal and the used ones were the same price

    - crib- gift and used

    - changing table/chest of drawers gift and used

    - play mat- new gift

    - toys haven't gotten any

    - crib mobile - used

    - exersaucer- new and gift

    - diaper bag-generally new and gift

    Got mattress and sheets gift new

    Clothes- new and some used but like worn twice.

    We've only paid for the stroller and car seat.

  • as so many of my friends are already moms, i requested second-hand items and didn't want them spending money on me, this is what i did:- car seat - received used from trusted friends, otherwise i would not get used (one graco snugride with stroller, one chicco keyfit)- stroller - bought used BOB, less than half price on craigslist (used for a few weeks)- baby carrier - several used, gifted to us, received one new but returned it - bouncer - gifted used- swing - gifted used (so easy to wash!)- infant tub - gifted used- crib - will borrow from trusted friend in a few months, currently borrowing another friend's Arm's Reach co-sleeper- changing table/chest of drawers - repurposing our current furniture- play mat - have my eye on an eco-friendly material mat, so probably new- toys - used and gifted- crib mobile - gifted used- exersaucer - gifted used- diaper bag - received 2 different skip hop bags, gently usedalso borrowed a super comfy glider, got a used wooden rocking chair for porch on craigslist for only $25. i stalk craigslist like crazy.our friends generosity has saved us soooo much $$$!
  • msjanet02 said:
    as so many of my friends are already moms, i requested second-hand items and didn't want them spending money on me, this is what i did:- car seat - received used from trusted friends, otherwise i would not get used (one graco snugride with stroller, one chicco keyfit)- stroller - bought used BOB, less than half price on craigslist (used for a few weeks)- baby carrier - several used, gifted to us, received one new but returned it - bouncer - gifted used- swing - gifted used (so easy to wash!)- infant tub - gifted used- crib - will borrow from trusted friend in a few months, currently borrowing another friend's Arm's Reach co-sleeper- changing table/chest of drawers - repurposing our current furniture- play mat - have my eye on an eco-friendly material mat, so probably new- toys - used and gifted- crib mobile - gifted used- exersaucer - gifted used- diaper bag - received 2 different skip hop bags, gently usedalso borrowed a super comfy glider, got a used wooden rocking chair for porch on craigslist for only $25. i stalk craigslist like crazy.our friends generosity has saved us soooo much $$$!
    oh no, it turned into one ginormous paragraph...!!!
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