Baby Names

Initials- BM

My DD2's initials will be BML. I was very aware of the "BM" having a not so nice connotation but it didnt really bother me when we picked the name. I guess I just figured that it would be worse if she had a "B" as a first name initial and and "M" as a last name initial. But now I am starting to second guess myself. Am I setting my daughter up for teasing?

I also want to explain that we are using the "M" to honor a family member... and my husband and I had such a hard time figuring out a first name we both liked, I really would prefer not to start from scratch at this point!! We also could have used a "J" middle name to honor a family member, but I figured that "BJ" was worse than "BM"!!!!!

Thoughts? Am I just being neurotic as I near the end of my pregnancy, or should I seriously reconsider?  

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Re: Initials- BM

  • I wouldn't worry about it.  
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  • It wouldn't be the first thing that came to my mind if I saw the initials, especially in the mn place instead of the ln.

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  • Not a big deal.

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

    Married 3-1-08  |  Nathan 11-24-08  |  Kaelyn 11-30-10  |  Alicia  8-17-13

  • Bridesmaid came to mind before the other BM did, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • Definitely don't worry about that. My H is BM and so is his cousin. Sure there were a few poop jokes as kids, but it was really not a big deal.
    imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My 6 yo is ABM. I actually really like his initials, they are even on his backpack. I wouldn't worry about it, and I'd go with the name you have chosen.
  • I understand your concern. We eliminated all E names for our daughter because our last name starts with Z. However, I don't know that too many people would get the BM association. I didn't get it right away at all. If the name means a lot to you, stick with it.
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • I can't think of a time that I've ever been referred to by my first and middle initials. First and last, yes, but I wouldn't even think twice about this.

    photo c107d4aa-9909-4a33-b3bd-bd94168bd5fc.jpg

  • DH and I are both BM (me by marriage), but has never been an issue at all.  My  mom was BM until she got married and then she became BLT (which I always thought was cool ahah).  Seriously though, I don't even think kids will know that BM can stand for bowel movement.  By the time they would be old enough to make that association, they would be past the name teasing stage of life.
  • My DS's initals are BAM. So first and last initials are BM. I thought about that too when naming him. Using the term BM is not something I feel kids typically do and when he gets older I hope most adults would be mature enough to refrain. Guess we'll see how it goes!
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  • DH is BS which seems worse to me than BM and he's never had any problems with it. I think the only initials I'd avoid are full words like ASS or FAT.
  • Haha, we are considering hyphenating our names for this LO and my ln starts with B and Spouse's starts with M. I definitely had that same though- ahhh, her ln initials will be BM! It doesn't sound right if we reverse the names. But I decided it wasn't worth worrying about. =) 
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  • I wouldn't do it.  Reminds me of my BIL's initials:  DMP.

    Not into scatological initials.

    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • My initals are BM, actually BML now that I'm married. I have never been teased about my initials.
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  • I wouldn't worry about it. Since it is a MN it won't cause much of a stir.
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