My two year old is always throwing her food on the floor. She's pretty intelligent and advanced (doctor's words, not mine), and I know she understands when we tell her not to throw her food, but she does it anyway. She gets that defiant look in her eyes, like, "I'm going to do it and you can't stop me."
Anyone have any tricks for stopping this?
Re: 2 year old throwing food
DD went through this phase a couple of months ago. We would take her plate away and say 'are you done? We don't throw food'. If she said no and wanted her plate back, we would give it to her, but if she kept throwing it, we would take it away. I could tell when she was really done and just wanted to play and when she was playing but still hungry (obviously I wasn't trying to starve her!).
Good luck. Oh, is she still in a high chair? DD stoped doing it altogether when we moved her to a booster at the table.
She's ina booster seat. She just tosses everything on the floor.. Than she says "I hungry mommy"