Patience. I know we are all in the same boat here. Waiting for that next u/s... It's torture!
I had one at 7 weeks (which I am very grateful I got to have one so early, as I know others have to wait until much later). And my next one is Tuesday, which will be right inbetween 11-12 weeks. Assuming (and praying) that all is good news, I will be entering the 2nd trimester. Hooray!!!
Now that 2/19 is just around the corner, each day seems to be slowly ticking by... I just want Tuesday to be here already!
I hope others are as impatient as me? Everyone says to just enjoy being pregnant and wish for time to go slowly so I can savor 'the moment'. Which I get. But when it comes to a u/s and getting to make sure my little peanut is still okay in there... Well, there goes any hope of patience. Lol, I'm making my poor hubby nuts, by saying 'I wish Tuesday was here, I wish Tuesday was here'.
Just a little vent session and hoping I'm not the only one always playing this came of 'count down'!
Re: not my best virtue...
I'm not patient either. I scheduled my first appointment and they didn't want to see me til 8 weeks and said they would not be preforming an U/S, so I asked around for other doctors and changed doctors lol. That's the only thing I want out of my first apt, to see if baby is ok. I don't want blood work and to take a pregnancy test, I know I'm pregnant lol! I changed to a highly recommended doctor who will give me a U/S at 7 weeks. I want to know baby is doing well ! Which I'm sure blood work is important for too, but mostly I want the U/S
Me (32) DH (33)
Surprise BFP 2-7-2013
I had both of my 1st ultrasounds at 11 weeks. It does seem like forever. The pregnancy doesn't feel completely real or even reassuring until you see the baby and hear the heartbeat. With both of my pregnancies (when I got to the u/s room), I had this irrational fear that they were going to go over my belly and say "Um.. lady, theres no baby here. Youre really not pregnant."
But that never happened lol. With each one at the 11th week I seen a cute/wild baby moving like crazy and heard a nice pleasant heartbeat. It's definetly worth the wait and it will be here before you know it
Thank you ladies all for the shared stories and input.
I wish us all patience and nothing but good things in the months to come.