My first pregnancy my boobs were sore all of the time. This time around I'm noticing that my nipples are hard all of the time. Its getting to the point where rubbing on my bras is getting to be uncomfortable. Has this happened to anyone else? Any advice on how to make it a bit less uncomfortable?
BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012
BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013
Arrived via c-section 09/27/2013
Re: question about the ladies ...
This happened to me during my first pregnancy. The only thing that I suggest you do is maybe take a warm shower and massage the breasts a bit if you can and it doesn't hurt too much. Other than that, I do not know, I just remember when it happened to me it was horrible. Also, you might want to buy a nursing bra as they are gentle on the nipples. That might help. GL!!!
Up until now my girls have been tender. Some days I get weird 'shooting' pains and other days just a little achy. The last 3 days or so though, my right nipple feels like there's razor blades rubbing from the inside out - best way I can think to describe it. I've started wearing seamless sports bras. The material is MUCH nicer on the skin and it contains the girls so they don't move around, causing more pain. I would also suggest a good sports bra.