Yesterday was our first ultrasound, thinking we were 7wks, but when they did they ultrasound baby measured 5w5d. We go back on the 26th for another ultra sound, to make sure everything is developing! So excited and so nervous!
Well so here's the thing. I went off the pill Dec 18th, got my period Dec 22nd...hadn't gotten my period by Jan 26th 5wks. So I took a HPT on the 26th, and it was negative had a different doc appointment the following week and found out one week later on Feb 2nd that were pregnant. So that would have put us conceiving around Jan 1620. Sooo...I'm just hoping that my body was starting to get back on track and I ovulated late...which is why I'm only measuring 5w5d. Prayers Please!!! Anyone else experience this? The doc also told me "you're not THAT late" when I told him I hadn't yet had a period.
Yeah I went to the e.r with cramping n spotting n they found an empty sac I also have a ultrasound on the 26th n am very nervous hopping everything turns out ok for the both of us that would make us due the same time cuz my org. Due date was oct. 5th 2013 now I have no clue until the 26th which is nerve recking n soo far away!!!!
Re: First Ultrasound!
Do you have longer cycles?
When was your last af?
when did you get your BFP?
Married my very own GI Joe May 2002