1st Trimester

what is going on?!

so here starts my complicated story.

1. went off birth control back in november.

2. i believed i was pregnant after my very first cycle. LMP was Nov. 10th. i had 4 positive pregnancy tests Dec. 3rd with very faint lines.

3. Got my period again December 16th. Doctor believed I was either never pregnant or had an early miscarriage.

4. Missed my period again and had 2 positive pregnancy tests with very dark lines in January. Had it confirmed by Tender Care, but the lines were light. Should be about 7.5 weeks at this point.

5. Had a HcG blood test done and it was 930. The doctor said this is normal for 4-5 weeks pregnant. But I'm supposed to be 7.5 weeks. Huh? The only thing I can think of is my cycle is longer than 28 days... maybe around 36.

I haven't had an appointment yet, one is schedule for later this week. I'm just scared it might be ectopic or leading to another miscarriage and wanted to see if anyone else had this or anyone has positive encouragement that this may be ok???? 

Re: what is going on?!

  • Unless you know when you ovulated it's very possible you are not as far along as you thought. I'm sorry I'm not more help. Lots of posts I've seen say that unless you chart you wouldn't know when you O'd  and therefore wouldn't know how far along you are, especially if you have irregular cycles. GL! 
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  • The fact you posted that you don't know for sure your cycle length means that you aren't sure when you o'd. 

    I would say relax until your next appointment, because unless you can say with complete certainty when in your cycle you ovulate (either by the testing or more accurately by temp charting) you can be a bit off. All due dates are initially set by LMD (last menstrual date) and those can be WAY OFF if you don't know how long your cycle is or if your cycle is irregular.  

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