My OBGYN didn't schedule for our first ultrasound until 12 weeks, I feel like that's really late based on what I've heard. Is that late, should I be concerned? I'm thinking about requesting an earlier one, any suggestions?
They told me they normally do the first one around 12 weeks, it sounds like that's normal for their office. Good call on the insurance question, I'll look into that and make sure it's covered. Thanks ladies!
If you have no risks (previous miscarriage, weight, abnormal symptoms etc) its fully normal. Some doctors don't even have first appointments til 8-10 weeks.
I had risks due to my previous IF and my weight so they had me in for a u/s at 7 weeks
Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
I won't get my first one until 20 weeks unless I choose to do the NT, which we aren't doing. We won't even hear the heart beat until 12 weeks. It's a lot of waiting.
I felt the same way when I found out I would not necessarily get an ultrasound at my first appointment this week (8 weeks). They told me that unless medically needed, they don't typically perform ultrasounds until week 20! I feel like everyone that I know that is pregnant got an ultrasound at week 8 or 12 at the latest! I spoke to my insurance company and they said if we request one and there's no medical reason then it wouldn't be covered at 100%. So I'll just have to be patient and wait and see I suppose!
Re: First ultrasound at 12 weeks
You're lucky you're getting one at 12w. Did they say why you need that one?
Most people only get early u/s for dating, IF, or prior mc.
You may want to check your insurance since most only cover the 20 week a/s u/s.
Good luck
BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012
BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013 Arrived via c-section 09/27/2013
If you have no risks (previous miscarriage, weight, abnormal symptoms etc) its fully normal. Some doctors don't even have first appointments til 8-10 weeks.
I had risks due to my previous IF and my weight so they had me in for a u/s at 7 weeks
i got my first one at 8 weeks along and im scheduled for my second here in a week when i will be 12 weeks
I felt the same way when I found out I would not necessarily get an ultrasound at my first appointment this week (8 weeks). They told me that unless medically needed, they don't typically perform ultrasounds until week 20! I feel like everyone that I know that is pregnant got an ultrasound at week 8 or 12 at the latest! I spoke to my insurance company and they said if we request one and there's no medical reason then it wouldn't be covered at 100%. So I'll just have to be patient and wait and see I suppose!
Good luck!