Pretty sure I'm about 7wks, we go to the doc for sure on Wednesday...the only symptoms I've felt are some hunger but nothing intense...and pretty sure just bloating bc of all the water...other than that no symptoms...I keep thinking I need to take another HPT to be sure but I also know I just need to have faith and pray everything is alright! Anyone else not feel any symptoms??
Re: 7wks.
We're one and done!
I do know how you feel though. The 1st trimester is weird. Symptoms are the only thing that makes it feel real and so when you don't have them, you freak out. All will be fine though and after you have that first sonogram you'll feel so much better.
I'm a 2nd time mom. During both of my 1st ultrasounds, I got really nervous and was scared that a baby wouldn't show up on the screen lol.