I'm 8 weeks 3days pregnant, I started having brownish blood earlier this week, then I went pee this morning and I looked in the toilet and it was all red pee. So I sat back n the toilet and it dripped. I haven't experienced cramping yet, but I feel like that isn't too far away, its been about thirty mins since I experienced that. My doctors nurse told me if it turns red and I can fill up a pad in an hour the I should go to the emergency room. I'm wondering if this is a miscarriage or if I'm having a period during pregnancy?!
Re: Miscarriage?
It could be anything. Red blood is never a good sign, I would go and get it checked out if it turns red. Brown blood usually means old blood, but bright red blood, or blood resembling a period is never a positive sign, but doesn't always mean miscarriage (could mean infection, etc). But you would need to be seen by a medical professional to know for sure.
I had brown blood weeks 6,7,8,9, and 10 with this pregnancy, it was nothing.
GL, I hope it turns out for the better.
We're one and done!
Although some women bleed during pregnancy, you never have your period during pregnancy. I personally wouldn't go to the ER unless it gets heavy like they directed you, but try to get an appt with your OB first thing in the morning. I'm sorry you are going through this.
ETA: Just saw you are heading the to ER. Keep us posted and my thoughts are with you!
BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012
BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013 Arrived via c-section 09/27/2013
So good to hear the positive news and thats so amazing you got to see your baby
Also its good thing you went to the ER and got an RH shot to boot.
Some women do bleed during pregnancy. But it's not a period. Your period is the shedding of your uterine lining. That isn't happening during pregnancy.
So glad it all worked out!