1st Trimester

Subchorionic Hemmorage Questions. also in multiples

Today I met with a doc for a consultation about *possibly* switching into her care. The doctor I have now is FANTASTIC but he is an hour and a half away. Long story short, the new doc said she wouldnt touch me due to me having Lupus, having both hips replaced, a stroke at 19, and plenty of other issues. My current doc has handled me himself (with a few appointments to MFM to ensure everything was 150% good) and it looks like I will be continuing care with him.

I mentioned at my consult that I was worried about miscarrying (just as I was with my other two pregnancies) and she scheduled an u/s to ease my fears (soo grateful for that)! I got a call at 330 saying the babies look great BUT I have a subchorionic hemmorage. I called my doc (of course he left early but its friday, i shouldve known) and had the rad report faxed over. I got a call from the nurse saying its a small hemmorage and I may have some bleeding. I am also on pelvic rest until this is resolved.

Has anyone gone though this? Were you seen more often to monitor it? Outcomes and stories are much appreciated. Dr. Google is making me more nervous than ever...

Re: Subchorionic Hemmorage Questions. also in multiples

  • I had a big one with DS, and there are many, many other ladies around that have had one or currently have one.  I was already seeing an RE because of infertility, so I did get a few extra u/s with them and then one extra at 15 weeks with my OB after my last big bleed.   It was scary and stressful but everything turned out fine.

    2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!, DS is now 3.5yrs!
    TTC #2 - 6/12 surgery #3, FET #1 & 1.2 = BFN, 12/2012 FET #2 = BFP! DD is 1.5 yrs!
    Surprise! 12/16/14 BFP, loss #2 12/31/14

    I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929

  • subchorionic hemorrhages (SCH) are very common and lots of women on these boards have them. I had a very large one, had to quit work and go on bedrest. It caused a lot of bleeding for me, but some women don't bleed and never even know they have them. You could see any color from brown, to rust, to bright red. It can be spotting, full on flow ( I was filling overnight pads pretty quickly at one point) and you could see clots. The spectrum of what to expect is pretty large unfortunately. Even though some spotting/bleeding can be expected I always called if I had anything more than light spotting. Because my bleeding epidodes were so heavy they always wanted me in for an ultrasound after it happened. Other than that they want to see me every two weeks(ish) to check on it.

    SCH heal on their own and most women who have them go on to have healthy pregnancies/babies. I hope that answers your questions but if you have any more please feel free to ask! 

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  • I had a medium sized one, started bleeding at 12 weeks, bled for maybe 5 days, and it healed itself by my 20 week ultrasound. I did have a couple of ultrasounds in between though, to check on things. Stop googling and be positive. Just "baby" yourself, get plenty of rest, and I'm sure everything will work itself out. :)
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  • I have one and so far I have been doing just fine as has baby. It is upsetting to have so much bleeding but they are pretty common.
    MC 4/09 at 6w2d 
    Rainbow Jude 
    born: 12/31/09
    Pre-E Induction at 36w4d
    11 Day NICU stay due to GBS infection

    TTC#2 10/2010
    M/C: 4/09/11 5w
    CP: 12/26/2011 
    CP: 1/28/2012 
    MMC: 4/16/2012 at 11w2d 
    Ectopic: 6/25/2012 MTX 07/03/12
    CP 11/24/2012 
    Rainbow Violet 
    born: 9/11/13

    All ALers welcome! 
  • I had one with my first pregnancy and my friend had one also.  We both went on to have normal pregnancies and healthy, full term babies.  Best of luck to you.
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  • I was diagnosed with a subchorianic hemorrage at 11.5 weeks though I had no bleeding.  3 days later I had a follow up ultrasound and was told that it was in fact a misdiagnosis and that the hemorrage was a vanishing twin (I did not know that I was carrying 2).  I was put on bedrest originally when my doctor thought it was a hemorrage, but once they discovered it was a vanishing twin, all restrictions were lifted.  At my 20 week anatomy scan the baby looked great, and there was NO sign of either a hemorrage or a remaining sac etc.  I am now 31 weeks with (what feels like) a gigantic healthy baby!!  Best of luck!! 
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • Thanks all! All of this is just so darn nerve wracking since I am already carrying twins and worried about a m/c and now that I may start bleeding with the SCH is like wtf, omg, and lord help me (lhm?? lol) all at once. It is good to hear such positive outcomes from this. Effing Google starts off hopeful then throws in stats and I just had to stop! Monday cant come  quick enough. I am hoping my doc will want to see me sooner than the 26th and I can get some more peace of mind.
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