1st Trimester

MarcyKeeping--Question for you

Is your ticker off? Because I'm due October 1 and I thought I was 6 weeks along... Now you have me rethinking it because you're listed as October 20 but on the same week as me.  Have I done something wrong?  My last period started on Christmas.  I haven't been to the doctor yet, but I'm going next week (finally!)...

TTCAL Siggy Challenge: "He's my favorite.  His birthday is the same as mine almost"

image image

Missing my little one lost at 9 weeks on 2.24.13. brokenhearted but not broken... 

d&c 5/21/13... Still Healing, Still Standing... 

MMC discovered 10/2/2013, TWINS... d&c 10/7/2013.  I still miss you, little ones. 

Surgery December 2013 to remove a 10+cm fibroid... Open myomectomy. Benched for 3-9 months... 
Will TTC summer Summer 2014 we hope!

Dear God, Since I couldn't hold my little one in my lap and tell him about you, could you hold him in your lap and tell him about me? 

PgAL and PAL always welcome...

Re: MarcyKeeping--Question for you

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