Hello ladies! My name is magdalena and this is my first pregnancy, so naturally everything freaks me out. My question is I am currently almost 8 weeks pregnant and I have no symptoms what so ever.... None. The only symptom I had was fatigue during weeks 4-6. I have had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and 2 days and everything was right on track. I'm just looking to meet some other ladies going through something similar. Thanks in advance for the replies!!!
Re: No Symptoms
I'm 6w1d and I've had hardly any symptoms. No ultrasound yet. But the only thing are my swollen sore breast which has actually subsided a little.
Nothing else.
I'm counting myself lucky for now
I wouldn't worry about it, it varies for every mom-to-be
It doesn't mean anything. I had sore breasts for a week with DS around 7 weeks That's it. No m/s or anything else until I started getting heartburn near the end, and it was a very easy pregnancy. So far this one is about the same.
Trust your doctor, is everything looks fine- it is.
Baby #2 M/C 4/5/16