1st Trimester

No Symptoms

Hello ladies! My name is magdalena and this is my first pregnancy, so naturally everything freaks me out. My question is I am currently almost 8 weeks pregnant and I have no symptoms what so ever.... None. The only symptom I had was fatigue during weeks 4-6. I have had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and 2 days and everything was right on track. I'm just looking to meet some other ladies going through something similar. Thanks in advance for the replies!!!
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Re: No Symptoms

  • My only symptom has been sore breasts.  I had some slight cramping early on, but that's about it.  I've had 2 ultrasounds and everything looked good.
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  • Consider yourself very lucky :)  In both of my pregnancies I've felt mildly nauseous about twice each with very minor, short lived cramping.  Otherwise I've felt great and both pregnancies have been healthy.  Just don't count your chickens before they hatch.  The road is long and you may find yourself with late onset symptoms and there are more in 2nd/3rd tri that are no joke either :)
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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  • I am currently 4w 5 days and virually no symptoms. A bit of cramping and spotting earlier this week, but thats it. I know I could get symptoms soon, but honestly I have to remind myself I'm pregnant because I feel nothing. Hope everything is ok in there. I don't have my first ultrasound for a couple more weeks.
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  • I'm 6w1d and I've had hardly any symptoms. No ultrasound yet. But the only thing are my swollen sore breast which has actually subsided a little.

    Nothing else.

    I'm counting myself lucky for now :)

    I wouldn't worry about it, it varies for every mom-to-be

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  • I'm est. 6w6d and haven't had any symptoms either, other than sore nipples. I had slight cramping early on even before I knew I was pregnant, but nothing since. I'm worried too but keep hearing everyone is different, so I'm just trying to find peace and faith in that! We have our first appt next Wednesday : best of luck!
  • It doesn't mean anything. I had sore breasts for a week with DS around 7 weeks That's it. No m/s or anything else until I started getting heartburn near the end, and it was a very easy pregnancy. So far this one is about the same.

    Trust your doctor, is everything looks fine- it is. 



    image  image

  • I haven't even had the sore breasts at all. My only symptoms have been mild cramping and some fatigue. I really haven't had many symptoms with any of my three pregnancies. I think everyone is different not to worry!!
  • I am 9 wks today. I have some tenderness but that is it. So glad i am in the minority without symptoms. I haven't even had my first appt. I am so anxious to finally go see my doc. It seems unfair to have to wait till next week.
  • Symptoms can be different for every woman. Just count yourself lucky that you don't have m/s or any other annoying symptoms. ;)
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  • I had no symptoms with my first, it was nerve racking because I wasn't sure things were going well, and I didn't have an u/s until 13 weeks. However everything was just fine and I was just very lucky! If the u/s looked good, just rest assured all is well.






  • I'm 5 weeks and have had no symptoms at all either.  My OB told me if you're lucky enough to not have the distraction of symptoms, just embrace and enjoy it and focus on your baby.  It is no indication of whether your pregnancy is healthy or not.
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    Baby #2 M/C 4/5/16
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