1st Trimester

Can't eat

I'm 11 weeks. Everything I try to eat makes me really sick. does anyone else have this problem? what should I do?

Re: Can't eat

  • Ohh. I'm so sorry about my lunch post then!

    When I was pg with my first, the ONLY thing I could keep down was crackers, apple slices, and light lemonade. But it's important to TRY and eat no matter what. You will feel better and want to eat more when you have something on your stomache. Also, try eating first first thing in the am. Like, crackers before you even get out of bed. Sounds crazy, but trust me :)


    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Eat whatever you can. You need to be taking in some food. Try applesauce, crackers, toast, yogurt...something simple. Drink ginger ale. If you can get something in your stomach, it may help with your nausea so that you can eat more.
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  • salted crackers and ginger help a lot. I've been going through the same thing :/ hope you get better soon
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