1st Trimester

Taking baths

I'm a first timer here. I knwo taking hot baths is not good because it will raise the temp of the baby and yourself. However, I am ALWAYS cold to the point where my finger nails are mostly a purperly color. I also teach swim lessons three times a weeks for four to five hours at a time. When I take a shower or bath it does turn my skin pink. Is this really a bad thing for my baby?

Re: Taking baths

  • Baths are fine because they begin to cool immediately.  So unless you're sweating and feeling light headed, I guarantee that if you took your temperature while in the tub it wouldn't be raised to anything near a dangerous level.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • Paperwork from my RE says for baths anything 98 degrees or below is safe.  Basically don't have it scalding hot.  And I agree, since it begins to cool asap - think hot tubs...don't go in those because those stay like 104 degrees the whole time.  

    TTC since July 2009. Dx MFI & LPD. 
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  • I agree with the PP's.  FWIW, my nurse told me that I couldn't take a bath if the water was over 82 degrees!  That sounded insane to me so I have been doing research and the general consencous seems to be as long as your body temp deosnt raise about 102 degrees, which would be hard in a bath tub, you should be fine.

  • The concern is that your core temperature will rise too much, which interferes with embryonic development.  Check w/your ob/mw to see what temp they recommend and then take your temperature during/after the bath.  If you don't breech that temp (or get too close, if you're conservative), then you should be a-ok.
    Boy 10.6.13
    Labored at freestanding birth center using hypnobirthing techniques
    Delivered via csection
  • Hot baths are fine. It's hot tubs that are to be avoided. A hot bath stays hot only for a few minutes before its temperature decreases.
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