My DH and I found out about 2 weeks ago that we are pregnant for the first time. We estimate that I am about 7 weeks along, due on 09/24/13. I never really wanted children and then we he and I met, something inside changed. We weren't trying, we weren't preventing either and we are both still trying to get used to our exciting news!
I have been incredibly sick, not throwing up but always in a constant state of nasuea. I'll be seeing my OB in 2 weeks and am looking forward to hearing the heartbeat at that time.
I am 30 and DH is 39 and live we in Las Vegas. Neither one of us has family here so we will be going through this "alone". Thought I would introduce myself as I have been lurking on this board since we found out. Looking forward to "meeting" you all!
Re: Intro..