1st Trimester

Just Found OUTTT

Last night my husband made me pee on the little magic stick after I had been jokingly playing the "quit you'll upset the baby" card. Turns out my joke was real life. I had been playing the pregnant card as a joke because I usually lay on my side in bed and if the dogs or hubby got anywhere near a nipple, it was much more painful than it should have been. I also ate an entire jar of pickles in 2 days including juice. I am normally pickle lover but that is a fast rate even for me! Now I know I am 7 weeks and due Sept 29th.

 Normally I'm not one to post on boards or forums (I never have before) but we are wating to tell our parents on valentines day and everyone else after the first trimester so I am just bursting to tell ANYONE :]

I have also noticed an increase in hunger. I know it seems like EVERYONE else has morning sickness but I've not even had a bout of nausa. I have been craving garlic wings and tacos but nothing really sounds bad. Oh and I want Donatos pizza at least every 3 days.

My husband says I look a little "bloated" but since I have been dieting prior to finding out about the pregnancy I am actually down 20lbs so that is a good start to a baby I think :]

I am hoping to schedule a doctor's visit next week since it will be my 8th week but since it is later notice I'm sure it will be pushed back. This is my first pregnancy/child and I am EXTREMELY nervous and unsure of what is going on !?

Re: Just Found OUTTT

  • Huge congrats, first of all :)

    Piece of advice that helped me? Make a list of any and all questions you might have (write them down, trust me) and bring them with you to your doctor's appointment.  Make sure to ask about any medications you may or may not be on. 

  • YAY! Congratulations!! We just found out last Saturday, and it's totally just sinking in! I haven't felt foul at allbut most say it takes some time to kick in. But, it also makes me need to take PT after PT to remind myself I'm preggers bc it doesn't seem real! BEST of LUCK and prayers!
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  • Congratulations!!!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That is awesome! Congrats!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • YAY! We just found out 1 1/2 weeks ago and I should be 7-8 weeks but my doc thinks I ovulated late in dec so I am more than lickley 4-5 weeks. This is my second and i already have hte bloatin too. Congrats, have fun!!
    L.M. Chilcott
  • congratulations!!!
    Liliana Seraphina born 9/5/2103

  • My family physician actually had me come in for an "emergency" medication review today since I was taking several so I got that out of the way in the few days! But when he asked if I had any questions the only I could think of was if I could take naproxen or if I could tan HA. So I will def be thinking of more questions and writing them down to take to my first official OB appt. Thanks for your advice!!!

  • It totally doesn't feel real yet!! I'm all about looking at clothes and cribs but it's basically IMPOSSIBLE to look for anything without knowing the sex. I'm going with girl. :]

     Congrats to you as well!! All of the best luck in BOTH of our future september babies :]]]

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