1st Trimester

Low Progesterone

Hello Everyone! I was diagnosed with PCOS about 2 years ago after trying to concieve on our own. My husband and I were finally successful with Follistim injection and then the trigger shot to induce ovulation. I found out at 4 weeks that I am pregnant. The RE put me on Endometrin (progesterone) until about week 12 because my first beta showed my progesterone was at 5. My second beta my progesterone went up to 10 which the doc was happy with but I just had a 3rd beta and my progesterone went down to 9. Has anyone else experienced this and had a successful pregnancy? I am now 6weeks and 2days pregnant and had my first u/s and they were able to see a heart beat but couldnt here it yet.
IAmPregnant Ticker

Re: Low Progesterone

  • How much progesterone are you one? Are they the suppositories?

    I know most of the time they want your progesterone to be atleast 12.

    For me I am on 100 progesterone 2x a day. We'll see if it works.

    Good luck

    Bison (FCS) beats Big 12 Champs Kansas St (24-21)!!!

  • I was on 100mg in the am and 100 mg in the pm but because it dropped from10-9 they kept me on 100 mg in am and 200 mg in pm. yes I'm doing the suppositories also. Good luck to you also! This is my first so everything makes me nervous
    IAmPregnant Ticker
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