1st Trimester

First dr appt and ectopic possibilities

Hello all,

I am at the very earliest stages of my first pregnancy, 4 weeks3 days.
On February 27th I will be about 7 1/2 weeks and I have my first Dr appt aside from the urine test to confirm my pregnancy and I'm unsure as to what to expect...
Will they look at my uterus to make sure the baby is in the uterus and not on the tube? I'm quite concerned about having an ectopic pregnancy, as I have been very crampy all over, but mainly in my left side, next to my hip bone, up towards my belly button. I have not had any bleeding and it's not even severe pain, I just want reassurance that the baby is growing where it's supposed to be.
So at what point in pregnancy do they check to make sure you're not having a tubal?
Thanks, everyone!

Re: First dr appt and ectopic possibilities

  • I don't think they specifically check that you're not having a tubal unless you have had a history of ectopics. The pain you're feeling could be from your corpus leuteum which feeds your pregnancy until the placenta takes over. If you're worried you should call.
    MC 4/09 at 6w2d 
    Rainbow Jude 
    born: 12/31/09
    Pre-E Induction at 36w4d
    11 Day NICU stay due to GBS infection

    TTC#2 10/2010
    M/C: 4/09/11 5w
    CP: 12/26/2011 
    CP: 1/28/2012 
    MMC: 4/16/2012 at 11w2d 
    Ectopic: 6/25/2012 MTX 07/03/12
    CP 11/24/2012 
    Rainbow Violet 
    born: 9/11/13

    All ALers welcome! 
  • I would ask your OB's office when they schedule your first US.  Many practices do it at the first appt, around 8 weeks.  They would be able to tell at that point if it's ectopic.

    If you have severe symptoms before then- cramps worse than a period, bleeding, etc., you should call and they can evaluate you for an ectopic if you're showing signs of one. 

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  • I did my first visit today and I am around the same time as you.  My doc did an ultra sound and she was able to rule out ectopic based on identifying the yolk sac. Let your doctor know your concerns, I'm sure they will clarify for you! Good luck



    image  image  

  • I had some sharp pains on my right side at first. They weren't super strong and they didn't last long. They felt kind of like ovulation pains. But, by the beginning of my 5th week they pretty much stopped. I'm 6w6d now and my us just showed everything in the right place. As for whether or not your doctor will do a scan, it just depends on the doctor. Mine always does a scan for everyone on their first appointment. Usually it's around 8 weeks, but since my cycles were irregular I was told to come in earlier.
    One DD born 9/23/13.
    We're one and done!
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