1st Trimester

Official Good-Bye

With a sad but hopeful heart I say good-bye to this board.  You all have been wonderful, and very helpful.

I went to the hospital last night because I was bleeding.  After several hours and many, many tests they diagnosed a missed miscarriage.  After talking with my doctor they gave me some medicine (dont remember the name) to speed up the miscarriage process.  It was a long, painful, bloody night, but I think the worst is over.  I am currently feeling much better.

I will get thought this, and we will try again.  Good Luck to all of you! 

brideandgroom4 ceremony20 brideandgroom11

Married 9/8/07

BFP on 12/30/12, EDD 9/6/13, u/s at 8w no HB MMC 2/4/13

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Official Good-Bye

  • I am so sorry for your loss.

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

    Married 3-1-08  |  Nathan 11-24-08  |  Kaelyn 11-30-10  |  Alicia  8-17-13

  • So sorry for your loss :(
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  • T&P to you.  ((hugs))
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am so sorry for your loss.
    MC 4/09 at 6w2d 
    Rainbow Jude 
    born: 12/31/09
    Pre-E Induction at 36w4d
    11 Day NICU stay due to GBS infection

    TTC#2 10/2010
    M/C: 4/09/11 5w
    CP: 12/26/2011 
    CP: 1/28/2012 
    MMC: 4/16/2012 at 11w2d 
    Ectopic: 6/25/2012 MTX 07/03/12
    CP 11/24/2012 
    Rainbow Violet 
    born: 9/11/13

    All ALers welcome! 
  • So incredibly sorry for your loss... You sound incredibly strong, despite how hard I can only imagine this is. Thoughts and prayers your way...
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • So sorry to hear. Hope you feel better soon.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I am so sorry for your loss.
    BFP 1/30/13 EDD 10/6/13Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I'm so sorry this happened to you. I have been there twice so I know exactly how you feel. It will take time to get over but just keep your head up and think positively.  It just wasn't the right time, wasn't meant to be, there was something wrong and your body knew it. For me 3rd time seems to be a charm. I wish you luck in the future and don't rush into trying again. Let your mind and body heal. Most doctors say 1 or 2 normal cycles and you can start trying again but I think they should tell you to wait much longer, because if your emotions are messed up from it it will cause extra stress and likely another miscarriage. I wish you luck and will be praying for you.
    DS 3/25/03 awaiting 2nd arrival due 9/23/13
  • I'm so sorry for your loss but sending positive thoughts and energy for your next LO. <3
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • So sorry for your loss. Sending positive thoughts your way.



    BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
    BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
    BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p <3

  • Oh no... Hope to see u back soon...
  • I have been there twice. Sorry for your loss!


    M. Henriksen
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