makes me want to punch a sonofabitchintheface
Not because I'm on the Obama love train but because of what this guy thinks "fat" is.
Michelle Obama is pretty tall = I'd say true.
Michelle Obama is fat = not at all!!
(Only used the height because the guy said something about her weighing like 185... Dude, she's tall. I have no clue what she weighs but could you imagine how gross she'd look at the "luxurious" 115?) what a dhole
Re: calling Michelle "fat butt"
DS2 August 2012
What an ss. I'm glad he was punished.
Absolutely. The article title is misleading. He's an asss for calling the First Lady a "fat butt" to his class, but I doubt that's the comment that got him suspended.
DS2 August 2012
He sucks for calling Michelle fat butt.
He deserves punishment for the other comments he made.
Michelle comment = douche
Gay comment = SUPER douche
Yeah, it's obviously no big deal. I'm sure he didn't mean it.
What a horrible person. I don't even want to imagine what other horrible, hateful things he has brewing in his nasty head if that's what he says to his class of high schoolers.
I'm sure the fact that he was suspended, not outright fired, has nothing to do with the fact that he's the football coach, right guys?